shirley replied to the topic Might be my last Zometa in the forum Treatment 13 years, 3 months ago
Hey thats great news Tom,lovely start to the festive season,mind as you go,take care Shirls 🙂 🙂
shirley replied to the topic Support group xmas dinner x x in the forum General 13 years, 3 months ago
Big thankyou to everyone,Stephen has been my true rock,i now know my limits as to what i can do,but at the same time i don't want to leave Stephen everything to do,he's been abit runned down,he had a bad cold the other week and then he did his back in poor love,but he's picking up again,. Eve i do have a portable tank which has been great,such…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Happy Birthday To My Stem Cells in the forum General 13 years, 3 months ago
Happy birthday to your stem cells Tom,in your very own words "onwards & upwards",mine will be a year old on the 21st of this month,the year has gone so fast,anyway have a good weekend best wishes Shirls 🙂 😉
shirley replied to the topic REPRIEVE AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR in the forum Treatment 13 years, 3 months ago
Brilliant news Jo,just sit back and enjoy christmas now and have a great time,i was in hospital for christmas and new year last year,so i'm really looking forward to a lovely family christmas this year,and good luck for next year,best wishes Shirls x x x 🙂 🙂
shirley replied to the topic bad news 🙁 in the forum General 13 years, 3 months ago
Ditto Tom,i was just gonna ask Gina the same,. Gina i do hope they are making your mum comfortable,thinking of you and your family,stay strong and make sure you look after yourself too, best wishes Shirls x x x
shirley replied to the topic Support group xmas dinner x x in the forum General 13 years, 3 months ago
Thanx Roz & Tom,i'm doing ok,on a good more positive road today,and it helps that Stephen is letting me clean the house abit more than i have. Bless him he knows my limits and he's very quick to stop me too,but it is good that i'm much more mobile and can start pottering around,biggest job is getting xmas sorted hahaha. Roz i do hope that you've…[Read more]
shirley started the topic Support group xmas dinner x x. in the forum General 13 years, 3 months ago
Hi Everyone,Sorry for being slightly quiet,been abit flat,just a blip i'm sure(change of weather),anyway starting to pick up again,i've been poorly with GVHvD,its affected my lungs well 1 of them anyway,been told its perminatly damage,my breathing has been terrible,but its more controlled now that i've oxygen tanks in my house,anyway back to xmas…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic WELL THE DEVIL IS BACK in the forum Treatment 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi Jo,so sorry to hear your not well again and you were doing so well in remission,i do hope the new treatment will get everyhting under control and that your back on level par,you stay strong & positive,and great care Shirls x x 🙂 🙂
shirley replied to the topic Collapsing after chemo prior to SCT in the forum Treatment 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi Belles,sorry to hear your mum is poorly,and also sorry that i'm not able to help you in any way,just wanted to say that i hope everything goes well for your mum and that she's back on that road to recovery,both stay strong and take care, Shirls :):)
shirley replied to the topic Stem cell transplant with kidney failure underway. in the forum Treatment 13 years, 4 months ago
Lovely to hear that Bruce is now home and resting properly,bet your both so pleased and well done Bruce. I'm still having problems with my breathing,been abit of a day with it today,just leaves you so tired and bloody frustrated,but i'll get through it eventually,i'm like that old rubber ball always keeps bouncing back. Anyway enough of little old…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic bad news 🙁 in the forum General 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi Gina,so very sorry to hear your mum is poorly,i can sympathise with her on the lung problem,i'm having problems with breathing but i've no tumours on mine,must be worrying times for you and your family,stay strong and take great care, Shirls x x x
shirley replied to the topic Stem cell transplant with kidney failure underway. in the forum Treatment 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi thats good news for you both,well done. I was looking at my post i sent the other day and it looked and sounded abit flat,but thats how been feeling the last few days and for which i apologise for,normally i'm quite upbeat and very positive,but it had been a trying week,last Tuesday my brother had his appendic's out which shook him up…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Stem cell transplant with kidney failure underway. in the forum Treatment 13 years, 4 months ago
Hi Mal & Bruce,i haven't been online for awhile so missed your post,. go MM and go to Derriford Hospital,i'm normally on Birch Ward they got the most fantastic team there,hope Bruce is doing good and that he's come through the worst of it all now,it won't be long before they let him home,thats when the recovery starts,i've had 2 sct,at he…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Kath (aka GrannyGrump) in the forum General 13 years, 5 months ago
Its me again apologising because i got the names wrong,i called you Julie and your Lorraine,so sorry for mix up x x Shirls x x
shirley replied to the topic Kath (aka GrannyGrump) in the forum General 13 years, 5 months ago
Dear Julie,our sincere condolences to you and your family over the sad loss of your dear mum,some of her post used to make me laugh when low,always gentle on advice etc:. Cherish her memory and the good times you all had,god bless Shirls & Stephen x x
shirley replied to the topic Gimme just a lil more time…. in the forum General 13 years, 5 months ago
Hi Mari,first of all please don't ever feel like your a burden because your not,we are all here for reasons,and this is the best site for ranting./screaming/laughing and getting everything of your chest. As David just said it will happen to us all eventually,but i'm sure once Steve has been given the right dosage of medication he'll pick up…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Mini Allo Transplant in the forum General 13 years, 5 months ago
Hi there,right where do i begin,like you i'm normally a slow decision maker but i'm from a family of 12,and when 10 of them got tested for me to have the allo i only had 1 match,thats why in the end i went ahead and had it done,and despite the gvhd i don't regret doing so. I had a full allo done,melphalan on the Moinday and then Transplant on the…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Infoday for Plymouth Support Group in the forum General 13 years, 5 months ago
Hey you mrs myra,you have no need to to apologise to me,hahaha,. Yes it was a great day,certainly came away with a lot to think about and boosted confidence,this gvhd stuff has certainly made me feel rather low,since my fall back in May i just haven't felt right in myself,then this gvhd kicked in,small price to pay for longer quality of life but i…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Infoday for Plymouth Support Group in the forum General 13 years, 5 months ago
Hi Eve,thanx for answering back and hope all is well,not alot of fun being stuck in hospital,good to be home. I do have a tank installed in my house,ugly looking thing that it is hahaah,but it does the job,i thought i would,ve been given a portable one so at the moment i'm a little bit of a stuck at home bird,who can't do much,as i'm constantly…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Mini Allo Transplant in the forum General 13 years, 5 months ago
Hi there Wendy,i don't know if my post can help you at all but i'll try my best foryou so that it helps you make your decision,and to think of future treatments that are coming widely available. I was diagnosed with M.M 13th August 2009,age 43yrs,in them 2yrs so far i've had an autogenic S.C.T,i had only harvested enough to have 1 go at it,and…[Read more]