
  • susanc replied to the topic At a low point in the forum Carers 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hi there
    thanks for replying.Ken was on Dex for sometime but has not had any since the middle of October. The problem with him is because his back collapsed and his mobility became poor he just dosent want to go out anywhere.We only ever go out together to the hospital.The life he had before has gone and it seems to be a vicious circle, the more…[Read more]

  • susanc started the topic At a low point. in the forum Carers 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hi everyone
    this is my first time so be gentle.My husband was diagnosed with MM in jan 2011. Since then it has been a roller coaster ride.He was on Myeloma X1 trial at first but so many things happened ie DVT, back collapse, Sore on his back, weight loss and no appetite to name but a few . He has been on velcade for the past few months. I have…[Read more]