teds31 replied to the topic newly diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi Maria, Sorry you are here but you could not have found a better site everyone is friendly and helpfull . the best thing is ask lots of questions and keep looking on this site as there is always some one on the same bit of road as you. Ted
teds31 started the topic clinic visit. in the forum General 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi, just been for my 3 month visit to clinic, I have been Smouldering MM for about 6 years,the doc said my PP was fine at 14, it has been between 11 and 14 most of the time ,but she said my light chains were 900, they have been up and down over the years and she said this was usual but they have never been 900 and she said the trend was upward…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic Someone to talk to in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 5 months ago
Hi you two young men ,the doc told me last week that I wasn't old as you now had to be 85, so that means I have another 4 years, whats to worry about. I was at the docs because i've had pains in the chest and I dont take chances now (like I used to) she said she thought I had Angina not a diagnosis I was looking for, but at least I now have a…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic Remission in the forum General 12 years, 5 months ago
Great news ,long may it last. Ted
teds31 replied to the topic Newly diagnosed with SMM in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Sarah Jane,
I'm Ted and I am quite a bit older than you,I am sorry you have to join us ,I have SMM and have had it now for over 5years, I go every 3months and have the tests etc.what jean says above is very true,you just have to get on with life and put things to the back of your mind ,its not easy and as Jean says when the dreaded…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic Diagnosis with no visible symptoms? in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi benz, I have smouldering Myeloma and have had it for over 5 years,it is hard to come to terms with as there are very few symptoms and little effects (if you are lucky) yet you have the worry of not knowing whats around the corner ,as Pilgrim said its a waiting game. Also there is the problem that on sites such as this we feel a bit of a fraud…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic RE: Newcomer… in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Jennifer, I have had smouldering MM for about 6years and as yet have had no treatment, I know how you both feel, but you must have faith in the consultant and his team. In my case we hardly think about it untill it comes to the 3monthly check then we both get nervous. I have just had my checkup and I have had back ache for a few weeks but they…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic Diagnosed this week in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 6 months ago
All went well yesterday ,light chains still light ,PP still PPing,so another 3 months reprieve, had to have an X-ray for back pain but they dont think it is MM ,but maybe to do with a bowel problem. I was very pleased that I got an X-ray stright away and didn;t have to think about it for several weeks ,they are very good. They checked my telephone…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic Diagnosed this week in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Ange,I'm a lot older than you but I was diagnosed with Smoldering (Asymtamatic) MM about 5 years ago, I have't had any treatment and I go to the clinic every 3 months. My PP level at the moment is about 12/13, I know its hard to come to terms with as every time you go to clinic it could be bad news,but you have to look on the bright side and…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic Smouldering myeloma in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 8 months ago
Good advice here ,take great care with any sort of pain such as back ache etc. I always tell them at the clinic and have had scans etc. several times,each time nothing was wrong but it pays to be carefull. Ted.
teds31 replied to the topic Smouldering myeloma in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 8 months ago
Hi Beverley, I have had Smouldering Myeloma for more than 5years, its very frustrating you are not on either side of the fence, and as some one has already said you dread the 3 monthly blood tests. Even on this site (and they are all great) you feel a bit of a fraud .
If you want some more info try the info sheets on this site,
go to…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic 3 litres a day in the forum General 12 years, 9 months ago
Thanks Wendy, I do drink a lot of tea and we go out once a week and I usually drink 3 pints of beer,but I dont count that, I also like the odd glass of red but not very often these days.
I was first told to drink more by a doctor at a clinic for Diverticulitus a bowel problem, but I did see that the same advice is given for MM as it helps with…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic 3 litres a day in the forum General 12 years, 9 months ago
I wonder about this I have smouldering myeloma and I have read that I should drink 3ltrs a day but thats an awful lot of water,thats another point does it have to be water ,what about tea juice etc. I do try to drink some but I think its a lot less than 3ltrs. Ted
teds31 replied to the topic Hi everyone in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Jerry, what treatment is your father having,can you tell us and we may be able to help with advice. Ted
teds31 replied to the topic paraproteins in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Lexi, I forgot to mention this site which is very good for answers to Smoldering MM you could keep it on your computer or print it out to show to others who may be interested. Ted
teds31 replied to the topic paraproteins in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Lexi, My names Ted and I'm 80, I was diagnosed with smoldering MM about 5 years ago,I dont have many symptoms and carry on a fairly normal life for my age.It is difficult to give advice as you will see if you read more of the posts on here,we all are affected differantly ,you would be well advised to ask about the Paraproteins from a doctor,…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic My husband has just been told he has got myeloma!! in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ann and Pete, Sorry I didnt reply been a bit off colour this last week, not to do with MM. The reason they dont treat Smoldering MM is that the treatments can be pretty bad and if there is no or not much degeneration then ypou could go for years (as I have) without much of a problem. There has been some research into giving treatment before the…[Read more]
teds31 replied to the topic Over-large profile images in the forum General 12 years, 10 months ago
I use IE and I have large and small Ted
teds31 replied to the topic My husband has just been told he has got myeloma!! in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ann, I'm Ted from Leeds,I am quite old:-D and have had smoldering MM for about 5 years,no treatment at all so dont dispare yet wait until you get some info ask a lot of questions and then tell us and some one will help. All the best .Ted
teds31 replied to the topic Newcomer… in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi Jean ,how did Frank go on with his appointment ,hope things went well,its always a difficult time . My next one is in May,dont know the date yet as we go on Hols on the 14th and we asked them to wait until after that.
Hi Tony Hope the tablets are doing the job and no side effects.Ted