
  • teds31 replied to the topic Information books in the forum General 12 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for that Dia just what I needed funny I never found it before. The e-books are good if you need some quick read and can be cheap and dont take up a lot of room,but like you a real book is a book EH!!;-)

  • teds31 replied to the topic Information books in the forum General 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hi All, not every one has a Kindle I know but I think you can lownload sample books on the Amazon site. It seemed to explain MM terms which I have trouble with, it took me ages before I knew what SCT ment so I found this helpful. Ted

  • teds31 started the topic Information books. in the forum General 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hi, I got a Kindle for Xmas and today after being on this site I thought to type in Myeloma and there are quite a few books there ,I didnt buy any but you can read a sample and the one I found interesting with regard to a guide and explanation of terms used with Myeloma was "21st Century Adult Cancer Sourcebook: Multiple Myeloma and Plasma Cell…[Read more]

  • teds31 replied to the topic Newcomer… in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Tony,You must be on the tablets now how did it go,hope you are OK.Smoldering Myeloma is when you have the problem in your blood sample but no symptoms,which makes me very lucky, I've been like this for 5yrs and thats about as long as most people go with Smoldering MM so got my fingers crossed.Like you I have faith in my doctors and just keep…[Read more]

  • teds31 replied to the topic Newcomer… in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Tony ,sorry you have to join us but its a great place to get all the info, I cant help because I have smoldering myeloma which doesnt have any treatment but I'm sure some one will be along with a comment shortly. Keep posting and good luck. Ted

  • Hi this is Ted and for my pains I am 80 so dont give up on age,there are lots of things to do and ways to keep in touch with people,I help a charity to teach older people computers, there are lots of charitys that need help and you make lots of friends at the same time. Good luck and keep in touch with this post. Ted:-)

  • Hi Eve, nice to hear from you,I do come on here regularly just to read bits but I dont post unless I have some thing to say. I was just having a bit of a moan,as the back is playing up something awful, dont know if its MM or just a bad back so I have waited a while to see what happens ,well it aint got no better so I will see my GP.I was following…[Read more]

  • Hi just been reading this post for the first time, sorry I missed it. I was diagnosed with smoldering myeloma about 5yrs ago and they have kept a close eye on me ever since ,I go every 3 months or so ,to the myeloma clinic sit there for 3hrs and then they say OK go home come back in 3mths. Its very stressfull ,I understand that its not as bad as…[Read more]

  • teds31 replied to the topic Another newcomer in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Susie, I'm sorry you have had to join us but its a great site for info on MM. Mine was found when I had a blood test for a chest problem ,when the doc asked for a second test I saw the form said Bench-jones, I looked it up on Google WOW what a shock, but that was more than 5years ago and I have asymtomatic or smoldering MM. so I dont have…[Read more]

  • teds31 replied to the topic New to the forum in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 3 months ago

    Hi All, Just popped in to say hello,not a lot happening at my end though that wont apply to all on here Im sure. I just thought I would leave a note to show I do keep an eye on you all even though I have nothing to add at the present. Take care . Ted

  • teds31 replied to the topic Not New to the Forum in the forum General 13 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Every one, I just thought I would call in and say hello ,not much happening here ,winter seems to be with us and I'm not looking forward to it had a bad run last year with bad chest problems, hoping it wont be the same this year. Health seems to be very quiet at the moment, hope it stays that way. good luck to you all, and take care. Ted

  • teds31 replied to the topic Not New to the Forum in the forum General 13 years, 4 months ago

    Hi All ,been and done it today,(Wed) pleased to say all good news ,saw ayoung man about 14 I think 🙂 but he was a nice lad, my HB 13 and my PP 12, we talked about PP and why it varied in people and he said I had Asyptomatic Myeloma, which meant that I had Myeloma but no symptons and until I do show symptons they will do nothing,he also said if…[Read more]

  • Hi Phil,Thanks for the reply I go tomorrow (WED) 11:15 ,hope its not busy.:-) Ted.

  • Hi Phil, whats CNS, is it your nurse, I go to St James Leeds I go on Wednesday and Im under Dr. Cook, dont often see him though its usually one of his side kicks, but they are very good and answer all my questions.Ted

  • teds31 replied to the topic Not New to the Forum in the forum General 13 years, 4 months ago

    Hi All, Thanks for the replies and the good wishes we allseem to get this nervous feeling before an appointment, to be expected I suppose,I still dont get the PP side of it Jean, as you say some have the 2 or 3 and others have a hight 33 as David said, mine was about 11-13 and he seemed happy with that, as I tried before to explain the Doc said it…[Read more]

  • teds31 replied to the topic Not New to the Forum in the forum General 13 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Mavis,I'm pleased some one likes the new thread, about the PP results, yes I have had a strange reply to that question (strange to me) when I asked about what level would I be at before I had to have treatment he said it did'nt work like that and he put it like this "its like a bucket with a hole in it and you are trying to fill it if the hole…[Read more]

  • teds31 replied to the topic New to the forum in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 4 months ago

    OK we stay here then could go in the Giuness Book of Records 🙂 Had a great time in Cornwall with the family got back Monday night. On my other thread I said about my appointment next wednesday at the Myeloma clinic ,as any one got some ideas on what I should ask the Doc.Bearing in mind I have never had any treatment in 5yrs,I just thought it…[Read more]

  • teds31 replied to the topic Not New to the Forum in the forum General 13 years, 4 months ago

    what does others think we can always go back, we could get in the Giuness book of records. Ted

  • Hi I think you are right it was getting a bit long so lets start again. hope you are all OK and keeping your sense of humour. Will be interesting going to the clinic this time as I have got so much help here since my last visit, I can ask more questions. Has any one got ideas what I/they would ask. Ted.

  • teds31 replied to the topic New to the forum in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 4 months ago

    sounds like a good idea Mavis, Will think about that.:-D Ted

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