
  • Made me laugh to although I though the punchline might have been something to do with a washed out grey creation!

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Ah Well! in the forum General 13 years, 11 months ago

    Oh Dai,
    I know how this feels this is the situation I found myself in last year with rising light chains which did plateau after a few months but caused a massive amount of bone damage in my case. Like Min says I am considered a failure with 11months remission so it's been suggested I consider an allo. I've had four cycles of CTD having had VAD…[Read more]

  • Hi Mrs L,
    As you know I was discussing this option last Monday with my consultant and one of the questions I asked was how many are carried out in Belfast per year and the answer is approximately 10 for all diseases. There are 10 isolation wards in Belfast so not a very high percentage of people here are having allo's. There are 2 people I have…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Happy St Patricks Day in the forum Off topic 14 years ago

    Hope your daughter had a lovely birthday Bridget. Bottoms up and all the luck of the Irish!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Bone Pain in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Gaye,
    I hope that they've managed to get your drugs sorted as this is the last thing that you need on top of the pain you are suffering. My femurs are getting more comfortable every day following my RT which is six plus weeks now. I also have taken tramadol 50mg as required for pain and found it to work quite well. Fingers crossed that the…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Hello everyone, I'm new! in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Hi Tracy,
    I'm now three years since my diagnosis and the six months before were spent having numerous blood tests which only showed up a B12 deficency for which I was prescribed injections. There is a family history of being B12 deficent so this did seem like a more likely cause of my tiredness as all the other blood results were normal. It's…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic SCT What to Pack? in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Sarah,
    I was allowed to bring a duvet which had to be new so something you might want to check with the ward. This was a really comfy option and made it feel a little more like home. I brought my laptop and enjoyed reading the newspapers on line as couldn't concentrate on a book. As others have said lots of PJ's and underwear and sweeties…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Spasms in the forum Treatment 14 years ago

    Hi Keith,
    This was one of the first things that happened to me and still does but only occasionally. My toes spasm more regularly than fingers and I have found that Q enzyme Q10 does help with muscle spasms when taken regularly.
    Hope the hopsital were able to shed some light on whether your treatment is the cause of your spasms.

  • At last some positive news Sharon I have to admit to refusing to not walk the six steps to the toilet on my own which with hindsight could have lead to all sorts of problems but as I was out treking around Rathlin Island the Sunday before my admission I was being a bit pig headed. Getting home to your own enviroment is lovely and away from the…[Read more]

  • Hi Bridget,
    This is the final dex day for me in this pulse and I know how you feel it is such a necessary evil. My face had changed colour within two hours of taking the first dose and I have now resolved to having a round face and the fact that my bridesmaid dress in April will fit but am disappointed that it is a size bigger than normal but I…[Read more]

  • Hi Sharon,
    Hope the radiotherapy works quickly for you as mine did for spinal cord compression last June. I knew something was wrong needing painkillers on a regular basis and a numb feeling in my left leg caused me to go and see my consultant unfortunately she was very flipant and told me to go off and get a scan privately. This uncovered my…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Pomalidomide in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago

    I am so glad that you have got this new drug which I'm sure will work wonderfully for you. Fingers crossed that the drugs arrive and you get to start next week. This is a step in the right direction for us all so thank you for advancing the fight against this disease. Will be thinking about you.
    Pamela xx

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Radiotherapy in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Bridgit,
    So glad that you are getting radiotherapy and so quickly it really is good to get on with it. I had RT three times last year and found that the pain responded quickly on all occassions. Like Sharon I had one episode as an inpatient which was easier as I spent all day resting and had no one to run after. I've found with RT that you…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Christmas in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago

    This has been a year of mixed emotions for me regarding treatment full of highs and lows but with help from others on this board you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and realise that you are not on your own. Christmas is a time of hope full of the anticipation of new life, joy and peace. I trust that everyone will be able to spend time with…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Femoral Nail in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago

    Glad to see that you're sense of humour hasn't been affected Bridget! If you heard my singing voice you'd know that I wouldn't be very enertaining. Glad to report that both femurs are now successfully nailed and I've managed to get up on my feet and hopefully will be going home tomorrow after being disappointed as had hoped to get discharged…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Catch Up in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago

    Oh Bridget what a bummer but Revlamid seems to be a great drug that the majority of people have a response to and in my experience radiotherapy does sort the pain out relatively quickly. You are probably feeling much better now you've had a few days of IV antibiotics and a good rest with people looking after you and taking it easy in hospital.…[Read more]

  • Thanks for bringing something to make us all laugh. Do Frank good to hear you laugh Jean!

  • tinkerbell replied to the topic Femoral Nail in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks for the responses, my husband has followed the link that you posted Mini and enjoyed reading it's content I'm going to wait until tomorrow as on arrival at hospital they decided to nail both femurs. There is a risk of the right one fracturing and they felt that it was best to get it all done now but I think the risk of infection tracking…[Read more]

  • tinkerbell started the topic Femoral Nail. in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago

    Hi all,
    I had pain in my left leg mid November and following an MRI a lesion has been discovered which leaves my leg at high risk of fracture. Tomorrow morning I will be fingers crossed having a femoral nail placed in my leg. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this done and what there recovery was like as the hospital have given me two…[Read more]

  • Oh Gaye,
    Sorry that your feeling a bit down. I've had pain my leg although I've managed to achieve another remission and am happy to be going to use thalidomide as a maintenance drug and have started an array of vitamins to prevent the the PN getting worse. I've been having pain in my hips and legs though and was rather shocked last week to be…[Read more]

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