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    Hi Pennie
    My husband has had MM for almost 8 years and 4 of those were in complete remission with revlimid/dex. The dex side of things wasn't so great but the rev was fine. I do hope you can find a way of working around this MM and spending some good times together. My husbands cracked bones were usually treated with radiation it helped with the pain.
    Hope all goes well for you two
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Etta
    So glad everything is going smoothly
    I will think about you and the others;Stephen Colin and Maragaret all due for sct around August.
    I hope it puts you all into a nice long remmission.
    Love Teresa



    Hi Helen
    I am soooo happy for you.Hope the holiday starts soon, sounds as if you need it after that hectic and exhausting day.
    Hope you aren't too tired or fatigued and soon get used to the new routine.
    Good Luck
    Love Teresa



    Hi Dai
    I do hope you and Janet are on the mend and feeling better now.
    Hi Keith
    Can you believe my husband drank tonic water and this helped his cramps. Not very scientific I know but something to do with the quinine?
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Vikki
    Will think about you and Colin on 23rd July right through until Aug 23rd
    Hope all goes well and a nice long remmission will follow.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Gail
    I am thinking about you and your girls and hoping that you are all coming to accept Howard's decisions about his life and the possible move into Hospice care.
    My heart goes out to you all. It is a very hard MM road we travel.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Eve
    I was so happy to read that your daughter had a day out at Wimbledon and she has a trip to the Bahamas planned. Maybe Slim will change his plans for NZ and go to the Bahamas?
    I am glad you are feeling better and the trips to the hospital are fewer. They really are a drain on our human resources.I always end up with a major headache on a hospital day How about you?
    Take care
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    Hi Eve
    Hi Helen,
    Well the temps have dropped to a balmy 28 and I have opened the windows for the first time in ages. The only good thing about going to the hospital was the air conditioning.
    I do hope you are not still damp and cool and soggy It must be awful and it's Ju7ly! What will your Fall be like, Beautiful I bet.
    My sister said ever since the hose pipe ban was lifted it hasn't stopped raining!
    Helen your poor friend and daughter having to deal with the problems of too much water.
    Yes Peter was offered a hospital stay in the palliative care unit and very nice room it was, to get the pain sorted out. But we prefer him to be home, much more comfortable and calming. He is almost bedridden with the pain and cracks and breaks, new ones happening all the time. His calcium is leaching out at a rate of knots but everything possible is being done. He is on a fentanyl drip with pain breakthrough push button every 15 mins.
    He is also on the pomalidomide trial so it will be interesting when we have to go to the hospital for the blood and meds but that's three weeks away so no point worrying.
    His mum was never this bad with her myeloma so everyone reacts differently to everything.
    I have been offered a personal support worker but we are fine just the two of us in our own time and I know how delicate his bones are, may ask for help later.
    Have bought a lot of ready meals from his favourie restaurant so that's a help.
    The nurse is here to give hydration 3 times a week doc comes every week plus calls every day.
    I bet you wished you hadn't asked now!! Information overload.
    Anyway Helen it must be back to work for you today??
    Eve keep your chin up it is a hard task we have.
    Andy let us know how the clinic with the prof went.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    I think i may have missed somethign.Are you having radiation becuse you are cracking? Or is the pain from a tumour or nerves or what? Sorry if you have already explained this else where.
    Well it's Tuesday was it today you went to see the Prof in his clinis?
    Love Teresa.
    I will pop over to carers and see whay you have to say.



    Hi Min
    It gave me a real laugh
    Just what I needed
    Love Teresa



    Hi Vikki
    Thank you soo much for the info. The doc came by today and has started Peter on a permenant pain drip with breakthrough pain pump every 15 mins. So we are hopig this helps. So glad Colin has his pain under control and hopefully it doesn't effect his daily ife too much
    Love Teresa



    Hi Andy
    so glad to hear you are having radiation so soon. It really helped Peter with his rib pain. They gave several low doses to one area and a large dose to a rather bad area. The low doses allows them to revisit the site again.
    So I really hope this helps with your pain and staying on the table while the radiation is aimed at you doesn't prove too painful
    Love Teresa.



    Hi David
    How exciting 50 years! Will look forward to hearing what you have planned for November.
    Love Teresa



    Hi Dai
    What a lovely thing to do. We were at the hospital on July the 4th but I did have a little quiet time and remember Bridgit.
    With sadness and love to her family Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    So glad you had a nice time in the lakes even though you couldn't walk too much maybe in September things will have improved and you can have a warm vacation with lots of walking.
    Have passed on the message to Luke the brewery owner.
    Peter isn't doing at all well but thanks for asking.
    They started him on a pomalidomide trial July 4th but as he is in palliative care at home it was a very trying time for him. Let's hope it improves things for him.
    The doctors and nurses come to the home to do all the necessary stuff but we would love some pain relief soon. maybe the doc tomorrow will offer some stronger goodies for him to chew,swallow, inhale, absorb!
    You can have some of our sun if you want, it has been 38 up to 42 the last cou[ple of weeks.

    Helen you should see my garden it is fried!The grass is like straw and most of the annuals have died from heat exhaustion. I just haven't had the time to tend it.Will answer your lovely long email soon.
    Life is very interesting at times just have to let go and hope everything, garden, MM etc sorts itself out without too much damage along the way.
    Love Teresa.

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