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  • #106440


    Hi Gail
    Just wondering what was happening with you and Howard?
    Hope all is well and you are solving some of the problems?
    Love Teresa



    Hi Dai
    I am so happy for you and Janet. This MM sure puts us through the emotional wringer. Hope you can relax and unwind a bit now after such a nerve wrecking time.
    So re charge the batteries and I look forward to hearing your news.
    Big sigh of relief for Janet
    LOve Teresa.



    Hi Min
    so glad to hear about your babysitting job. I would also need a complete rest after that lot, or possibly a stay on a funny farm.
    It really helps when the sun shines lifts the spirits.
    I do hope your eyes are ok. Have you been for any more reiki treatments?
    Good luck with the solo vacation Iwish you could come and stay with me I could look after you and Peter and give you a real break.
    Take care thinking about you
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Dai and Scott
    Haven't a clue what you two are talking about but isn't it great to talk about everyday life and not mention the dreaded (MM)
    It's a great weekend here sun shining a bit too hot for me plus 28 maybe plant a few veg and flowers and ask someone what you guys are talking about. Used to shop in the Kings Road Chelsea but I don't think you are on about shopping!
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Gill
    Thinking about you,
    Have you been given any more options

    We sometimes sit on the endge og the bed and shout and scream and cry and swear a navvy would be proud of the words we have come up with, anything to ease the pain and frustration of MM.

    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    Only a month to go before the vacation I am looking forward to you having a little break.
    I wonder if you have had your bone marrow and pp levels done yet? We went for bone marrow bi opsie on Thursday, not the most pleseant procedure but I guess it tells them stuff they need to know.
    I certainly hope you get good news and all is stable or better still improving.
    I am well thanks Peter not so good but my son is coming too cook a BBQ today as it's a long weekend end here. Victoria Day yes we still celebrate Queen Victorias birthday and we all have a day off Monday. It is also the official planting weekend as it's the last frost time.
    Having the children and grand children around will buck him up for abit which is nice.
    Thinking about you and hoping for good results.
    Love Teresa.
    ps Mothers' day at the bellwoods brew pub was great!!



    Hi Ann,
    I do hope very soon you will have Peter's pain under control or at least manageable. It can sometimes take a while to get the corect dose.We also(same as Vikki) went to a palliative care pain doc 7 years ago so the name isn't as bad as it sounds but the oncologist doesn't always have the answer to pain control so a specialist is a good way to go and ignore the scarry name.
    Hope you are having more relaxing days and not overdoing it at work. Stress can take very strange forms in our bodies so be aware of your own body and moods and really try as hard as it is to calm down and breath,
    Eventually you will get used to this new life we are very adaptable watching the suffering and pain isn't easy but you will cope.
    Take care Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    Are you in the Lake District??
    I hope you are ok as I haven't seen you on here unless I have just missed you??
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Dai,
    I replied to Gill's post about failed Rev so will not repeat myself.
    I must admit I admire your courage and determination and ability to take on the NHS if you have too.
    My son will have his first child (a boy)in Oct and my husband has put his bloody mindedness hat on and will be there to see him.
    I sometimes wonder if mind really does overcome MM!
    Take care thinkihg about you, especially Janet as we are in the same boat,
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Gill
    My husband was diagnosed at age 57 and now at age 63 he will not see the year out.
    He has relapsed three times now, SCT didn't work Velcade didn't work, Revlimid put him into remmission for 4 years and now has stopped working.
    His MM is spreading to other bones and radiation and pain meds are keeping his pain in control. He is going on a trial next week (pomalidomide)but we have been told it is just for pain control there really is no hope now.
    So I really do understand the anger, frustraion and disbelief you must be going through.
    You have 30% survival rate so maybe there is something still out there for you.I really do hope so as this disease claims too many people and they seem to be getting younger.
    If he feels like traveling and you are both strong enough to cope with it,(especially you as it will fall upon you to do everything) I am with him and would go
    Good Luck with hopefully a new treatment and better news, They could be wrong!!
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Ann and Peter
    I hope your body scan went well and nothing new was found.
    Sorry your vacation was cancelled but there will be better days ahead and more holidays for you both.

    It's hard to go with the flow and try and let the old life vanish and this new MM life rule.

    It does get easier as we adjust to it all.

    Take care Love Teresa
    My husband has MM and all the issues you are having we have been through.As everyone says we are all individual cases with different problems and treatments but there is the same thread there.



    Hi Jean,
    My husband has MM and we have had almost 8 years of it. Just recently his ribs started to hurt and he had 5 days of radiation. It really made the difference he has almost no pain there now. So I hope the same happens for Frank. You both have a busy time ahead of you, I hope all goes well and you can overcome this blip and move onwards. If the only thing worrying Frank is his G and T he must be quite a guy. Good Luck keep us posted
    Love Teresa



    Hi Gail,
    You may already be at your daughter's having a little rest I do hope so.
    My daughter wasn't as easy going as I am and on several occassions had words with her dad when he was having his dex days. He didn't remember it and she was upset and so was I. We all decided to just go with what ever even if it meant going outside and screaming or digging the garden with gusto to work it off.
    Now that we have settled down and accepted a lot of stuff and ignore a lot of stuff it is easier to deal with. Still not so nice but ignoring a lot can help.I even stopped going to public places with my husband just incase he started, this helped with my stress.
    I am so glad Gill described the bad effects I always feel so guilty moaning but it's nice to hear others say it out loud and I know I am not the only one, so now I moan out loud as well and so must you as we have all been there. That doesn't make it any easier for you but it helps to type it out.
    I am thinking about you in these early days as you all adjust to this terrible MM and hope you and your daughters manage to chat moan and laugh as often as you can.
    Take care Love Teresa.



    Hi Eve,
    My heart goes out to you and I wish I could give you a big hug and smile and cry alongside you.
    To lose your little Matty and a friend and now have the worry of Slim in hospital for his SCT seems to much to bear.
    As you know I care for my husband and there's always a calm before the storm I think your storm is passing now and with Slim receiving his SCT and the good outcome that will bring your storm will be over and bright days ahead.
    So as hard as it is, try to stay positive, and as you say to me, deep breaths and stay as calm as you can it rejuvinates the soul.
    I am thinking about you both so very much.
    Both my parents died when my husband was diagnosed and then he went for SCT so I can really feel for you and only imagine how low you can get but somehow we get strength from somewhere to carry on.
    As you say life goes on but somedays it feels as if we have stepped off for a while.
    Do take great care of yourself and Slim will be back home in no time with you and your family.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Min
    They offer Reiki and yoga and loads of other free classes at the local cancer hospital here. I have tried yoga and it helped. I woulkd love to try reiki but think I will wait until I am in desperate need for it.
    My husband is almost at the end now after 8 years with MM. I was so interested in your comments and will try very hard to think about what you have said and advised when I am there.
    Thank you for writing this it must have been so difficult for you.
    Love Teresa

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