Hi Nadine
A warm Welcome to tis great site, but am sorry you had to join.
I hope your Mum is doing well on her treatment?, As for the SCT I had one in December 2009 and am still in remission and doing well (am 56 now)
Please dont ask me what my para/bloods red or white marks are cos I just dont know (av bin told its a man thing:-0 )
But as for encouragement I can sort that out, I had my sct as i said in december and know if I needed to I would do it again 🙂 but that said its no walk in the park am afraid:-( so if and when your Mum has the transplant you will be more aware of it.
What treatment is your Mum having/had so far?
One more bit of advice so far will be Take one day at a time and get your Mum to rest when her body tells her to slow down. (and you also Nadine)
Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx