Hi Yvonne,
I was diagnosed with MM 3 years ago when I collapsed due to having 2 wedge fractures in my vertebrae at T6 and T8. To cut a long story short, I am now very active again, able to attend the gym regularly and ride my mountain bike quite often.
Although the disease is not curable, being diagnosed with MM in the back is quite often treatable, and hopefully, he will regain his mobility given time. It is important that he tells his medical team all of the symptoms and how bad they are. I tried the ‘man up and get on with it’ routine, but that didn’t work, and I had to learn the hard way to tell them how it was and accept whatever help they could offer.
The main thing is to remember that some people live with this disease for a lot of years and go on to live full and fulfilling lives. Tell him to keep his chin up and stay positive. Please let us know how he is getting on.
Thanks, Tony
Hi Maria,
I am one of the forum volunteers. I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis, it comes totally out of the blue and completely as a shock to a lot of us, myself included. The good news is that whilst it is not a curable disease. it is treatable, and there are some very good drugs and regimes out there, and if you have one that doesn’t particularly suit you, then there are others to try.
I had a stem cell transplant 3 years ago, and since then I have not had any detectable cancer in my blood, and I am tested every 3 months. I hope that it will continue like that for a long time to come.
Please keep us informed as to how you are getting on, how you are feeling, and if there is any particular way in which we can support you. Everyone on here is either living with the disease, or is a carer for someone who is. We all want to help where we can, so if you want to know about personal experiences, or just someone to have a moan to about it, then thats what we are here for.
Stay positive and keep your chin up.
Regards, Tony
Hi Nick,
Thankyou for posting that, I am sure it would be very useful for those who are undecided about having SCT. It has to be a personal decision, but like you, I have no regrets about having it, I just wish someone had told me about the Melphalan and ice pops thing as I did suffer from mucositis.
Regards, Tony
Hi SuzieP
I am one of the forum volunteers. Please do not say you do not belong here because we are here to help you in any way we can, even if is just suspected that there is a possibility you might have MM. however, it sounds like the doctor wants to discount MM as a possible reason for your symptoms.
The main thing is to not worry about something to which you do not know the answer yet, although I know that is easier said than done. I know you said your GP has not got back to you so I think in the first instance you need to contact them to ask to discuss the results with the GP.
To answer your question about the results of the blood test, even healthy people have light chains, but they look at the ratio of kappa and lambda. They should have a ratio of roughly about 1 to 1. Yours are a bit out of that range, so I guess that they will keep an eye on them to see if there are any future changes. Your creatnine reading is good, and the GFR is a measure of how well your kidneys are working, and that’s not a bad reading either.
There is a condition called MGUS and it is a sort of pre-cursor to MM. They might be looking to see if you have that. The good news is that if you have MGUS, there is a good chance it will not progress to be full MM, and even if it does, you will be on their radar to make treatment available early on, which is good news as well.
Please try to not worry until you have got some answers. Let us know how you get on with your discussions wi th the GP.
Keep your chin up!
regards, Tony
Hi Emma,
thanks for the update. The good news is that as it is MGUS, there is a good chance that it will not go on to develop into full-blown Multiple Myeloma. Also, the further good news is that they are keeping an eye on you every 12 weeks, so if anything does start to develop, they can give treatment at an early stage.
I know it is easy to say, but for the time being, you can try to put it at the back of your mind and lead a normal life. Good luck with it, and keep us informed as to how you get on.
Keep your chin up.
Regards, Tony
Hi Ethan,
I am sorry to hear that your wife suffered as a result of them not telling you what was happening! As for COVID, yes you are better off getting it now as the SCT will destroy your immune system which means you would not be able to fight it off. They would have probably postponed the SCT until the COVID had cleared up.
The reason why you are in isolation after SCT is that you are very vulnerable to catching anything and not being able to fight it off 9even a common cold!). The immune system does recover, but it may take several weeks to do so. During that time you have to be protected as far as possible from being exposed to anything which might be harmful to you.
Hopefully, you will be over COVID soon and you can have the SCT as planned. Let us know how you get on.
Regards, Tony
Hi all,
I had a Hickman line inserted before SCT, and had it under local anesthetic. They made 2 incisions in my upper right chest, just below the collarbone. The idea is to get a line straight into the jugular vein. They can administer all your IV drugs and take blood samples from this. It is much better than having a canular in the back of your hand.
The procedure is not painful, but there is a lot of pulling and tugging going on, so it is not comfortable. If you feel any pain, tell them and they can top up the local anesthetic. When inserting the tube, they have to do it by watching an X-ray machine to make sure it goes in the right place. It took about 45 minutes to complete.
I hope this helps.
Regards, Tony
Good luck with it Lottie,
Keep your chin up and stay positive, let us know how you are doing with it.
Regards, Tony
Hi Peter,
I am one of the forum volunteers. I have not had the treatment you have had, so I cannot comment about it, but have you tried using the ‘Ask the Nurse’service on the MM website? These are very experienced specialist nurses who can probably give you more information about it. You could also try using the peer buddy service and ask to speak on the phone or zoom to someone who has had the treatments you have had to get their experiences of it.
I hope it works well for you, and I know this must be a difficult time for you, but keep your chin up and stay positive. Let us know how you get on.
Sincere regards, Tony
Hi Emma,
I am sorry to hear that you are having to wait so long for the results. I had to wait 3 weeks for my biopsy results, so I guess that is a normal period of time to wait, but of course, you have had Christmas and the new year in the middle, so that is why it is probably longer than normal.
I know you said your Dad had it 6 years ago, so you have probably got a lot of information about the disease already. However, since then, there have been some significant improvements in the treatments available, and new ones are being developed all the time. Unfortunately, the disease is incurable, but with the right treatment, a lot of people go on for may years to lead fulfilling lives.
We are not Doctors, but we are here to support you through this in any way we can, and dont forget that there is the peer buddy service where you can speak to one of the volunteers who are living with MM if you think this would be helpful to you. You do not have to do it now if you are not ready to, you can access the service when the time is right for you.
Please stay positive, keep your chin up, and let us know how you get on.
Sincere regards, Tony
Hi there,
I had SCT almost 3 years ago. You have probably gathered by now that it is not the most pleasant of experiences, but the effects only last a couple of weeks. However, the beneficial effects of the treatment can potentially go on for years. 3 years later I do not have any signs of active cancer, so for me, it was very worthwhile doing, and I would have no hesitation in doing it again if I needed to.
This must be a very scary time for you, first to be told you have the disease, then to be told that the treatment for it is not very enjoyable. We have all been there so we know what you are going through. However, they have to tell you all of the things that ‘might’ happen during the various procedures, but the majority are unlikely to suffer from them. Please go into it with a positive attitude, remembering that although the disease is not curable, the treatments available are very good at helping you live a normal and fulfilling life.
We are here to support you in any way we can, please let us know how you get on.
sincere regards, Tony
Hi Ethan,
Welcome to the forum, I am one of the volunteers on here. To be honest, you are the first that I heard of living with MM in China! How are you coping with COVID at the moment?
All of those on the forum are either living with the disease, or are carers of those living with it, so we know exactly what you have gone through, and we know what the treatment is like as well. We are not Doctors, but we do know how you must be feeling, and we have our own different coping strategies for getting your head around it all, and being positive for the future.
Please use the experiences of the many people on here who are willing and happy to help you and your family get through it. I am 3 years post-SCT and do not have any signs of active cancer at the present time, so the treatment has worked well for me.
You are probably also aware of the peer buddy service where you can refer yourself to Myeloma UK to be paired with someone who has the disease for up to 6 telephone sessions with one of the volunteers to talk about MM, the various treatments they have had, or just the universe, life and everything. I can recommend this service to you if you think you might need some of that kind of support. You don’t have to do it now if you don’t want to, but it is useful to know that it is always there at some time in the future if you need it.
There are some excellent treatments out there for MM, and although it is not curable, it is very possible to lead a normal and fulfilling life whilst living with it. Please stay positive and let us know how you are getting on.
Happy new year!
Regards, Tony
Hi Tearose, I am sorry to hear of your grandsons news, I hope he goes on to make a good recovery. I can only say that the treatment I have had on the NHS has been excellent.
Regards, Tony
Hi there,
I had a SCT almost 3 years ago, and have been classed as in remission without any maintenance treatment since then. To be honest, the treatment is not pleasant, but it only lasts a few weeks, so for me, it was worth it. What specific questions do you have about the treatment?
Regards, Tony
Hi Znab, sorry to hear your SCT has been delayed, I can only tell you of my experience. I had a SCT in January 2020, so almost 3 years ago. Since then I have been having blood tests every 3 months and there has been no signs of any active cancer, so classed as being in remission. Also since then, I have not been on any form of maintenance treatment.
For me, it was the right decision to make to have the SCT, and if I was told I needed another, I would go for it. As Richard says, it is not pleasant, but the effects only last a few weeks, and if it extends your life expectancy, then for me it is worth it.
Let us know how you get on.
Regards, Tony