
  • Dear gill

    It is over 18 months since Gordon died I still speak to him swear at him it does help. I also had a huge meltdown in the week I find coping with his brothers and mother so very difficult it always upsets me, they seem to assume everything is back to normal, back on the brandy and sleeping pills!

    Very early days for you gill look…[Read more]

  • zasrs replied to the topic So Alone in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi sue
    Have just read your first post I am so sorry that you are and Michael are are in this difficult place as I retired district nurse I urge you to contact them in many ways they are better at pain control than the gp we use to tell the drs what we wanted. Disttrict nurses also work 7 days a week. When Gordon came home for the last time I…[Read more]

  • Dear gill

    I too had counselling 6 months after Gordon died I was quite looking forward to talking to someone to try to understand how I was feeling and maybe give me some coping strategies. How stupid of me! I had 3 phones calls approx 30 mins each with someone who sounded as though they should have still been at school! What a waste of money,…[Read more]

  • zasrs replied to the topic Waiting in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 4 months ago

    Dear Sue and Michael

    What a brutal way to give you both news which we all know will come one day but hope against hope that we never will hear.

    I was told to take Gordon home, I thought we would have some time together at home to talk and say things we had not yet said. It was not to be Gordon shut us all out and died within 36 hours of…[Read more]

  • Dear Gill

    I can only agree with Mavis Min and Eve. Friends and in many cases family have no idea what we are going through, I think some of them think 15 months on I should be over it whatever it is. I first met Gordon when I was 16 he died when I was 58 how on earth does anyone think those years can be passed over. Gill the ache does improve…[Read more]

  • Hi Dai

    So sorry to read of the horrid time you have been having. Take care of yourself and Janet thinking of you and your family.

    Sarah xx

  • Dear Gill

    My love to you and your family. I am sure like me and the others who have lost our loved ones you will contribute to the disscussion group.

    With love Sarah

  • Dearest Jill

    I am so sorry, I was thinking of you both all day today, I cannot pray. Thank goodness he was not in pain at the end. I wish I knew what to say to help you, all I can do is cry for you and your family and his mum, I too had to tell Gordon's 85 and 89 year old parents, it is not right.

    My deepest sympathy and love


  • Dear Gill
    I am so sorry i can add nothing to what the Min and Tina and Dia have posted. I do feel for you Gill, Gordon,s end came so fast we did not begin to sort things out and he went in on himself for the last 24 hours and would not communicate all of you reading this Please talk to each other lots and lots.

    My thoughts are with you…[Read more]

  • Dear siobhan
    I read on FB your very sad news. I am so relieved that her passing was peaceful and she is now out of pain. Her knitted hats are very special to me.
    My thoughts to you and your family.

  • zasrs replied to the topic HERE WE GO AGAIN !! in the forum Treatment 12 years, 9 months ago

    Dear Bridget
    I have not been on this site for many months, I am so sorry you are having such a dreadful time, I can only repeat what Gillyhas said in her post, I too still have the hats you so kindly knitted for Gotdon. Hang in there.
    With love
    Sarah xx

  • zasrs replied to the topic SCT Underway in the forum Treatment 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Eve
    Just read your post, I so hope slims sct is still going well. Gordon went to kings for both his sct, the second time round I thought the staff much improved, and the care so much better, his cell also has several cleans. Not so keen on some of the aragant young drs though.
    Good luck and I hope slims continues to do well.I won't ask you to…[Read more]

  • zasrs replied to the topic moving on in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 10 months ago

    Hi min
    I am so sorry to hear that you have beenn having such a difficult time. I have heard of Reki some one i once knew did Reki to my shoulder, it was amazing how it become better never really understood what she did! Science cannot explain everything.
    i have also been having councilling but on the phone quite amazing! It really helps not…[Read more]

  • zasrs replied to the topic Board activity in the forum Off topic 12 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Dai Bridget and all

    I often pop into the forum, but dont always post. Always pleased to see so many old friends posting merrily or not as the case maybe!
    My son and I have just finished lambing our larger than usual flock, very hard at times, Gordon is all over the farm, Charlie my younger son seems to have taken his place on the big red…[Read more]

  • Hi stephen
    My husband died in august 2011, grief is awful if eel for you and your sons, keep them close they need you as much as you need them, something I keep forgetting. It does get better or so I am told but I am afraid I am still waiting for that to happen.
    My thoughts are with you all, take all the help you are offered.

  • HI Dai

    I look in on the myeloma group now and then, thank you for still thinking of me. I wish I could say I am moving on but it really does not get easier, living and loving another person for 36 tears + is not easily got over!
    We are lambing at the moment and I am shattered and too emotional, but we are getting though it with loads of…[Read more]

  • Dear Michelle
    I was so sorry to read of the loss of your husband at such a young age from this dreadful disease, my thoughts are with you and your family. You will have days ahead, my only advice is take all the help on offer and keep your family close. Be kind dot yourself.
    With love

  • zasrs replied to the topic RE: David in the forum End of Life and Grief 13 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Chrissie
    I am so sorry that your wonderful soulmate of 53 years is no longer by your side, I know how you feel I just wish I knew the right words to help you. Look after yourself and take any help or treats that you are offered, the pain does not ease, but it helps to live another day. I am nearly 6 months since Gordon died I have many bad…[Read more]

  • zasrs replied to the topic Laptops in the forum Off topic 13 years, 1 month ago

    Whow Min
    I wish I had your energy! Sounds amazing what you are doing and planning I keep looking at my bedroom and that is far as I get! Go for the cruise what a good idea we all need good things to look forward to.
    Best wishes Sarah

  • zasrs replied to the topic Grief in the forum End of Life and Grief 13 years, 1 month ago

    Hi min
    I think it must be the time of year, I have shed more tears today than I have for ages.i have a beautiful new collie dog and going sailing in February but it all seams so hopeless. Cyber hugs Min.

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