This topic contains 28 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by BADGER 11 years, 10 months ago.
hi Everyone
Been doing well on velcade PP'S down to 4 then i cought a cold which went to a chest infection then pnuemonia 2 weeks in hopital as i was resistant to the anti B's at first until they changed to good old IV penicillin so starting to get back on track and hope to restart velcade next week cycle 5 i hope this is just a blip 😛
Regards Jo x
Hi Jo
Nice to know you still with us,you have been in my thoughts,Keith Marie and you all went quiet,we know Keith's in hospital and at last you have posted.
You are going to have to teach your husband to post,tell him we were getting worried!!
It,s a long haul getting yourself. Fit after Pnuemonia , it is just a blip,make sure you get plenty of rest,took Slim awhile to get back on his feet,but did start treatment the week after he came out,I thought it was to soon,but he did it.
Glad you are still about the sword Damocles did not get you. Lol Love Eve
Hey Jo Jo
Glad you are out of hosptall and on the mend. Hope all goes well with next cycle
Cyber hugs (as Tom so nicely puts it)
Love Jean xx
Hi Jo
Sorry to hear you have been unwell in hospital. Hope you are feeling better.
Maureen x
Hi Jo,
I was wondering where you were.Glad to hear you are better now. I had a bout of pneumonia after the first lot of Velcade. Frightened me to death. Still get a bit chesty for a couple of days after treatment even now, but that's where it stays thank goodness. I am allergic to so many anti-b's it frightens me when I get an infection. I am halfway through cycle 6 now – 2 more to go so should be finished in July, then I can go to Canada and see my granddaughter. Hope things go well for you from now on.
Love and hugs
Hello Jo
Like all the others I wondered where you were, especially when the hair dye question was raised a few weeks ago! You wre instrumental in my taking the plunge there again.
I'm thinking of calling a register soon, just to keep tabs on everyone!:-) or maybe one of those map things that Harry potter had would be good.
I'm sorry to hear about the pneumonia, hope that now you are on all the right drugs that you soon feel better and can restart the velcade. It's a slow and gentle process getting over these chest problems and knocks the stuffing out of you. Look after yourself.
Love Helen
Hi Jo,
Like Helen, Eve and the others I too had been wondering where you were. I put out a call for Keith and was mindful to put one out for you but I wanted to wait another week to allow for holidays etc., with it being Easter and all. Then you tell us you have had pneumonia… I wasn't worried about MM as I am with Keith but you were struggling with something just as bad as MM, worse if anything because pneumonia can be particularly dangerous for us lot… but thank heaven for good old fashioned penicillin and your general state of health which can't be too bad all things considered.8-)
I am glad you are getting better and stronger and I look forward to you posting again. Eve is right about showing your husband how to post… he doesn't have to take part in the daily to and fro of news but it would be good to get certain news now and again, such as being in hospital with pneumonia for instance. I am one to talk… I have been meaning to show Janet the ropes… I have talked to her about it and she has agreed to do it but as yet we have never got around to it… so, a job to do over the weekend.:-)
Take care and time with your recovery.
Best wishes and lots of love 🙂
Hi Dai
Just a quick note,I think Janet would benefit from this site,cannot get Slim on it,says its my thing, but as time goes on he wants to know more and has started to watch the info videos on here.
I have been trying to get the Myeloma team to consider a PET scan for Slim,but falls on deaf ears,say they do not do PET scans for Myeloma,nut according to video,s they do???.it would give us both peace of mind plus they have one at his hospital and we would know if it is in soft tissue as slim has been complaining of pain in his chest area for a long time.Eve
Hi Jo
Good to see you up and running now, now you stay away from that pneumonia you know it isn't good for you.
Stay Well Jo and Catch you Lata
Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx
Hi Eve
Don't understand why hospitals all differ. Franks consultant is organising a PET scan for him. As she said no myeloma showed up in blood and as his PPs were falling before treatment started it is the ONLY way to find if the myeloma is active and to what extent. Eve you fight Slims corner with all your strength – keep nagging until they give in if only to shut you up 😛
Best wishes to you and Slim
Love jean x
Hi Jean
I did try again to day,but I was met with same explanation which is PET SCAN WILL NOT TELL YOU WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE BONES. I said I know that but it will show if it in the soft tissue,fell on deaf ears.we know its 10 percent in bones,no extra damage shows on MRI or exrays.. He has another BMB on the 7 of May blood taken for kappa light chains again as showing protein increase.
I just think they should think out of the box as they agree Slim is very unusual. They have a machine at the hospital,I have also pointed out, this site video say scan can be used,!!,! I do know if they find it in tissue,I will not be a happy bunny.Eve
Hi Jo
Really sorry to hear you have been stuck in hospital. I thought maybe you were on holiday somewhere. Not quite the same! I hope you cope well with the Velcade. I've had seven cycles of Bendamustine out of eight, but the final one has been cancelled due to my Neurophils collapsing down to 0.6. I'm not feeling too great. Hopefully things will pick up soon. Not sure what will happen next. SCT may still be an option and to be discussed at next meeting.
Take care and keep fighting.
Hi Jo
Sorry to hear you haven,t been well
Hopefully with the sun shining tomorrow it will make you feel a little better
Take care
Hi Jo
Sorry you have been poorly, hope you are on the mend a bit now 🙂
Vicki and Colin x
Glad Slim is doing ok Tom and Jean posted on face book and my daughter answered them as my husbands does not do forums i dont know about slim but Geoff is not keen any way starting velcade again on wed:-P
Take care
love Jo x
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