2nd bone marrow biopsy today

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    Just back from a bone marrow biopsy: had sedation this time as on previous occasion it was extremely painful. I thought I was aware the whole time but doctor said that I was snoring : whatever, no probs this time.
    Now awaiting the results with trepidation…was told last consultation that mm had not responded well enough to chemo for immed sct and was put on antibiotics: Bence Jones pp's at a level of 199 from approx 3000/4000.

    BP levels also a problem: yesterday had a variation of 189/123 to 99/55 a few hours later so I can't always take my EPO medication for my anaemia….and they'd wanted to increase the dosage of EPO!
    Seem to be constantly on the phone to doctor's, nurse's, consultant's …. This mm has really taken over my life. Even when I go away one night I get a phone call at 9pm saying I need a blood transfusion the next day!
    Oh well, there's always another day. Best wishes to all, Peggy



    Hi Peggy
    Al Say Ouch re the BMB but if you had a little snore then good on you girl 🙂

    I know all about the trepidation after having tests done am sure we all do.

    Hope all is well with the Snooze BMB 😀

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Peggy
    BMB are not the nicest thing to have,but they will show what is going on with your bone marrow,because some times the kappa light chain readings do not reflect what is going on in the bone marrow.

    Your BP reacts to your condition,it can go up and down if your nerves or upset,so take deep breaths and keep calm,:-P
    Myeloma does take over your life and any one close to you,just adjusting your life to drink 3 lt of water a day,takes organizing if you have to go out,but after awhile,,it becomes the norm,and it will be all worth while,if it buys extra time.:-)
    Slim starts SCT on Sunday it,s taken a long time to get there,its been a very long journey.Eve



    Hi Peggy
    Ouch ouch ouch I hate having the bone marrows had four so far and hate it every time I also have renal failure they say I will have to start on EPO not had it yet but my ferritin is very high now so its not good to keep giving me blood my blood pressure seems to go up and down I call it white coat sindrome keep well
    Love Jo x



    Hello Peggy…I had my 3rd BMB Tuesday and go for the result 7/06/11 unless I get a call before then like on the previous occasion (hope not) when the news was not what I wanted to hear.
    Still we only get what we are given in this life and it's seldom what we want so take it on the chin and just get on with it.
    Whatever happens I'm off on holiday 12th June after 2yrs since my last one even if I've got to crawl on the tarmac to get on the plane,I will not be beaten.

    Hope everything turns out well for you and the result is a good one.




    That is the spirit Keith have a great holiday and to hell with MM.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    best of luck keith

    i am sure you will get on holiday we have just got back from Skiathos had a good time you have go to for it,it will do you good good luck
    love jo x

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