3 monthly clinic, check

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    Hi all,

    Thought I was okay about this, just my back pain being the main on going issue, I have been okay other than that, a few niggles, but I could get them anyway. I look in on here a lot, I may be in denial as I still cannot believe this has happened to my family. I am scared for the future, but keep telling myself a lot of people are having a tougher time. I have my mobility!!

    Sorry to sound so down , but the what ifs are setting in. This site is a godsend, and spares me crying to my daughters (hubby away with work).

    Good luck to you all.




    Hi Karen

    I also am struggling with the 'What Ifs". I am recently in remission but quietly torture myself with the thought of it coming back. I also still suffer with back pain and seem to still be on a fair few pain killers.
    I totally agree with you, I would be lost without this site, the people are so comforting and it is nice to chat with others that have actually experienced this condition themselves or with a loved one.

    Good luck with everything Karen

    Love Mandy xx xx



    Hi Mandy,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. You sound the same as me, I was declared in remission 3 months ago, so I am very thankfull for that.

    I am waiting for my lift, so that is my Thursday spoken for.

    Good luck to you with everything Mandy.

    Love Karen



    Hi Karen and Mandy

    Well as you know,Slim and I do not have to worry about what if!!!! Once you come out of remission,on average you have half that remission time again,so in Slims case that means no remission,just a cocktail of drugs unless something is found like a miracle . Slim has joined the same club as Andy Dai David and many more,not giving up but have the knowledge that time is not on there side..

    You two are in remission!!!! And long may that continue,I hope you have years and years.yes you have aches and pains,so take anything that gives you a quality of life,so you can enjoy every day,so that's the physical side taken care of.
    The mental side needs addressing,you can pop a pill to stop you getting depressed!!,or you can look on the future as a challenge,every day do something,even if it's only a small thing,like phoning a person up who does not get out much,any thing that takes you away from the Myeloma Bubble, Burst the bubble and escape.
    Why worry about tomorrow and spoil today is my motto.Eve



    Hi all

    Well we all have "what ifs" but that won't help and I know it's difficult to get those out of your minds but hey oh we can't do anything rather than fight it all the way and it can be done, I have been in remission for near four years, yes I still get out of breath and yes I have the bad back,hips and shoulders but am assured those are just (yep just) old age and am only 58 ha ha, but it's true I would have got the above due yo wear and tear anyways.

    So take every day and when fit and well make the most of it.

    Love to you all.

    Tom onwards and upwards xxx



    Hi Eve and Tom, thank you for replying, I love the honesty and 'realness' (if there is such a word) of people on this site, everything you both said is true and correct, thank you!! 🙂 My consultant spoke in the same vein yesterday, after delivering the good news about my blood, pp, liver etc, she just said go and live, because it will come back and kill you. Never one to mince her words, but it gave me the kick I needed. She also confirmed I'm a junkie!!

    Best wishes to you all




    Love to you Karen, lets hope that you have a good long remission, ha a junkie indeed! but you have to keep that pain in order! San 🙂 x



    Hi Karen and also Mandy
    If being a junkie gives you some relief from pain,so be it . It is early days for you both,and you will learn your limitations,you might not get the same life back,but there is no reason why the new life should not give you a lot of pleasure.

    One thing we find is we do appreciate things a lot more,and you just cannot go round feeling sorry for yourself ,plus as you say Karen a kick up the bum works wonders. It would have been my grandsons 18 birthday today,we lost him 18 months ago,now that's hard,so had my little weep,given myself a kick,plus a G&T ,and had a drink in memory of lovely Matty.
    I hope you both have many many years in remission,I want to hear about all your adventures.Love Eve



    Hi Eve so sorry to hear about the loss of your Grandson 18months ago, you have had so much on your plate, and you are so strong for so many people on here, thank you, we too as a family are going through it again at the moment guess its quality not quantity now i am coming to terms with it for my Mum love to you and Slim, 🙂 Sanxx



    Hi Karen

    Your Consultant sounds a bundle of fun! Good job you seem to know how to take her. Glad your readings are all normal! Long May this situation last.

    All best wishes.




    Hi Karen,

    I was told that I was in remission last month, and like you, I still can't believe any of this is happening.Also Like you, I have 'fed up' days, but having MM has taught me two valuable lessons,one being just how much I am loved by so many people as I am sure you are. Number two is that since I have been attending clinic, and after a stay on a cancer ward, I have witnessed real suffering – there are so many people much worse off than myself,some without a soul in the world to care about them.

    I know some days are hard and may get harder. This is a great place to let off steam when those days creep up on us.

    I think we are at about the same place on the MM road, so we will both keep on fighting for all the people in our lives if not for ourselves wont't we.

    Eve is a very sensible lady,who always gives great advise, so listen to her and don't spoil today by worrying about tomorrow.

    Keep your pecker up .

    My very best wishes,



    Hi Eve, Not been off for a day or 2, I'm so sorry about your grandson x
    Thank you for taking time to council me! xx Thank you also Mavis, San and Lesley. xxx

    Best get a blog going then had I Eve?? 🙂

    Best wishes to you all
    Karen xxx



    Hi Lesley,
    I could have wrote your post!! I recognise all of it. And I agree about Eve, she is a real asset to this site, bless her xx

    Keep your pecker up too 😉
    (what is a pecker btw)??

    Best wishes



    Hi Mavis, she is a straight talker, that is for sure! 😉

    Thanks for the best wishes, same to you. xxxx




    Hi Karen

    Blog or book to write your thoughts in!!!,I think once you put pen to paper the anger becomes less,!!! I do know some people who have gone to a councillor,my attitude is if it helps it,s good.

    If you think about it you have been fighting this Myeloma for some time,putting up with the treatment then the SCT,then after the hundred days there is nothing else to fight,bingo remission,!!!!
    Slim felt the same,but he was unfortunate it was back first 10 percent then30 percent,started his third Chemo.!!!

    Your doctor is right,so enjoy every day,today is lovely in the SE of Kent sun shining ,but cold.Love Eve

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