3;20 Am wide-awake blues…

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    Or little whites to be precise.:-P

    I have been lucky so far with my DexDays tm. On every start day so far I have slept quite well but tonight… on Cycle 4 during the last week, with a rest from Rev, I am wide-awake and feeling hyped. I wouldn't mind usually but we have got to go out this morning.

    Hold on… as soon as I started writing this my eyes began to itch… and I've just started to rub them…

    I'm off…





    My eyes have so much grit it them,through lack of sleep,and I am just the carer :-SEve



    And I hope you had a good sleep Dai its a begger I know, been done it that sort of thing, but I used sleepy pills not every nite just now and then to help me catch a bit of shut eye 😀

    And Eve You my dear are not Just the Carer you ARE THE carer 😀 without people like you and all the others that have partners and Family looking after us our outlook would be a lot bleaker than it is.

    So this is for all you "Carers/Helpers or just blommin great folk" that look after us all in our hour of need thank you for stepping up to and beyond the plate 😎

    Now go and nip off and have half an hour's Kip 😀

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Well I got so excited about feeling sleepy that I thought … toilet or not toilet… but I erred and went and stayed awake until 6am. So, two and a half hours sleep and then meds and breakfast followed by another hour's sleep.8-)

    But for all that we had a productive day and a lazy late afternoon without a sign of a doze… now I've come to bed to spare Janet another football match… I'm listening to the Archers followed by Germany Vs Holland… and then whatever it takes to get a good night's sleep.8-)

    The recent sleep problem's have coincided with me starting on Amitryptiline… for my PN + its soporific qualities… great for a week or two and then I've got used to it and the soporific value seems to have disappeared. I'm tempted to pop a sleeping tablet tonight instead of the Amytriptiline (I'm only on 10mg so it shouldn't cause any problems)… that should work… unless any of you have any other suggestions. Can I take both? 😐 🙂

    I'm determined not to let this become a real problem… a couple of good nights and its as if there was never any break in decent sleep patterns.8-)

    Hi de hi.




    hi Tom, I havent been on here for a while so u might not remember me:-D just an update on John my other half. He had his SCT and came out of hosp in March feeling really rough and weak after it of course. After a pretty short while, he picked up, and he started back in work – he's self employed – everything seemed ok at all his checkups in both hosps that he went to. He was asked at his checkup on 1st June if he wanted to go on Revlimid 25mg so he did. A week ago, he started having flu like symptoms and be was really ill with it and couldn't work. Last night the right hand side of his face under the jawline swelled up, really swollen. We rung the hosp and they told him to come down, he was there all day, and has had to go back in tonight to go on an antibiotic drip and have a scan on his saliva glands tomorrow – they don't seem to know what the cause of the swelling is.Haematology have said his neurophils were fine and bloods ok, they have referred him now to oral and facial surgeon, and he's said that he might have to operate on John's face, Tom have u heard of anythin like this before – I blame Revlimid he was fine before it, but the hosp are saying its an unrelated condition.:-( if u or any friends have any advice, I'd be really grateful xxx love to u all Helen



    Hi Dai

    Cant help you with the sleeping pill question, but I know for sure that if you made me watch the football I would be asleep in an instant!>:-)

    Hope you get a good nights rest

    Ali x



    Hi Helen and John

    May I ask you if the SCT was a success ? as since mine in December 2009 I only had Zometa infussion's? Is John having any of the bone strengthening drugs? as that could cause Jaw Problems?. but dont stop taking any treatment that is helping stop the MM.
    all of us are different in our treatment and side effects.
    Hope all runs well with John please keep us all informed. xx


    I am one also that thinks :-S Shall I or can I wait? and am sure its best to go that lay and worry lol.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Dia and Tom

    Well Tom I know I said I am just the carer,but I forgot to mention everything else,but as it would take,all day I will just except your praise:-P lol

    Yesterday I took Slim to Kings starting off at 10am,getting there for 1pm and then spending hours waiting for bloods,doctor,then prescriptions ,getting away at 5pm,and getting home at 8pm,got to bed at 10.30pm,and guess what time it is now,:-S.As you can guess for Slim it was hell not enough food or drink,spent most of this early morning unable to sleep.

    He,s just gone to bed,so I will drink my tea and follow him!!:-)
    night night .Eve



    OK you bunch I award you Honorary membership of the illustrious order of "Night Owls".

    The Night Owls were formed in Sri Lanka in 1997. We met in The Eden Hotel bar. Germans, Dutch and British and we seemed to spend most of the night, and I do mean night not evening, in the Bar together – having to be thrown out in the very early hours, in the nicest possible way, by the Hotel manager. He gave us the name ?The Night Owls? . We have kept in touch ever since, sending holiday cards to each other from exotic destinations all over the world!

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi David

    Its all coming out now,its not that you could not sleep,its because you did not want to sleep:-) . Must admit I have done a few champagne breakfast after all nighters the only problem was I could never remember who came to breakfast,so never kept in touch.(mess 41 commando unit) bar would not dream of chucking you out.

    Had 4 hrs sleep so feel great,ready to get some work done before my cleaner comes tomorrow lol. Love Eve

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