A BIG Hello

This topic contains 9 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  meganjane 12 years, 4 months ago.

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    Just to say a BIG hello to everyone on this forum.

    My husband (58) was recently diagnosed with MM Stage II and after scanning through some of the discussions, I find it to be a very welcoming and positive place.

    When I get more than 5 minutes to spare, I'll take a more thoughtful look through the discussions and see what tips I can pick up.

    Hope to chat to you all soon.

    Amanda and Bob. 🙂



    Hello Amanda and Bob

    Welcome. I'm so glad you found the MM UK forum. It's very friendly and very useful. No subject seems to be too much trouble for the folk on here to discuss.

    I look forward to chatting to you as well.

    Best Wishes



    Hi Amanda and Bob

    I am sure you don't want to be here but your are both very welcome. Feel free to rant (it's great to get things off your chest) but you will get great support, help and advice. They are a great bunch of people here who you will meet over time. Take care and best wishes to you both



    Hi Amanda and Bob

    Sorry you have had to join us, but we are a friendly bunch!

    My name is Alison, its my Mum with MM. She was diagnosed last November aged 57. We had never heard of myeloma. Shes also on Myeloma XI trial. RCD for 5 cycles and shes just out of hospital having had SCT.

    If you have any questions, ask away as im sure that there will be someone come along to help.

    Ali xx



    Hi Amanda and Bob

    Welcome, I hope you get out of this site what I have over the years 😎
    Let us know where Bob is being treated as am sure we will have some in here that are have been treated their and can give you more advice.

    Ask away and hope your road through the MM is a smoth one.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hello Amanda and Bob
    welcome sorry you have had to join must be a big shock for you both you will get all the help and information you need on this site with many friends to support you keep in touch
    Love Jo x



    Hi Amanda and bob

    Welcome, you are right. This is a very supportive helpful place. It has been godsend to Colin and I. Colin was diagnosed with MM October 2011. Until then we had never heard of the condition. Others experience and knowledge has helped us no end.

    Good luck with the treatment x

    Vicki and Colin 🙂



    Thanks all for the great welcome.

    Just an update on Bobs' progress.

    Bob starts his 3rd 28-day cycle of medication today.

    He's in good spirits and very little pain as he's on full dose morphine, oral morphine solution and paracetamol.

    The Myeloma XI trial is going well and the 4-weekly Zometa infusions are working (although they still knock him about for a couple of days afterwards).

    At our next hospital visit he'll also be meeting with a consultant to discuss radiotherapy treatment for the pain in his right side, so we'll find out how many treatments at the QE he'll need.

    Overall, his numbers are improving and his pain is under control. We just have to counteract the fatigue and reduce the risks of infection so he doesn't end up in hospital AMU again.

    Things are still very positive. Xxx



    Hi Amanda and Bob, just a quick welcome(?). I have been here since 2009 when I was diagnosed with Myeloma G, the bog standard one. It is just not the forum that is so great here the site itself has so much UP-TO-DATE useful information on it.

    look forward to seeing you on the forum but now I must go play World of Tanks with my Grandsons.

    Kind regards – Vasbyte




    Hello Amanda and Bob,

    My name is Megan and it is my husband Phil who has Myeloma, he was diagnosed in May this year. I see from your other post that you live in Cannock, we live in London but Phil was born in Walsall and still has family in the area. We were married in Lichfield. I have found this forum very helpful and everyone is very kind. Maggie and Ellen the Myeloma nurses whose number is on this site have also been great when I have called with questions, there is so much to learn and take in.


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