A Quick hello

This topic contains 19 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Roz 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #90672


    You know what I haven't half missed you lot. I joined a widows site to relate to my feelings, but you beat them for your friendliness.
    Tom keep fighting the fight and grinning away.
    Shirls enjoy your puppy, if it wasn't for my disability I'd have one.
    Dizzyliz thanks for your reply too.

    Well the men today have made a real difference to the mess the others left behind, it won't be long till the front is done.

    All the best to you all
    Love you loads




    glad to hear from you I hope it is not too much of a struggle on your own
    what sort of disability do you have can you get more care in your home for your needs please keep in touch
    Love and prayers Jo x



    Hi Jo

    It is a struggle on my own; especially now I've only one carer and have to pay myself. So I try to manage with around 80hrs to 100hrs a week, plus what my Brother-in-law does for me to get me to town, hairdressers and places like that.
    I've got a few disabilities, I've got Asthma,Arthritis in my hands, legs spine ,Neuropathic pain in my legs, my left knee won't bend and I've got lots of trapped nerves. I manage around my home with my stick, cannot stand or sit too long cos I get stuck but to go out I have my wheelchairs.
    If I get more care I have to pay more and to get individual benefits from the council I'll have more to pay than they will give me, so I'm out of pocket and have to beholden to their rules where doing it my way I can have the care when I need it, except weekends because my carer/pa has weekends off. After being disabled for so long you learn to live with it and I'm trying to stay independent. When my legs give in all together and I have to use my chair in the house then I know I can't manage alone because I will not be able to push myself and carry a cup of tea. So fingers crossed I slow down again.

    I miss Michael like mad too, some days I just am not here I'm just somewhere else and another day I cope.

    Thanks for asking after me
    Love to you all



    Oh Roz

    your suffering as much as the rest of us I do wish I had a magic wand to make ir all go away you must miss micheal so much you was with him such along time my prayers are with
    Love Jo:-)



    I do miss him, I miss him more than anyone knows


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