A Right 2s/6d…

This topic contains 20 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Min 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    I need to talk to you slowly, using small words with BIG letters of the plainest English.:-0

    Are you sitting comfortably? Hmmm…. then I'll begin.:-)

    I went to bed last night at about 8pm (8 O'Clock). I felt very, very tired. Up until going to bed I had slept very little over the past 2 nights… waking several times.

    On both Monday and Tuesday nights I had gone to bed and had fallen asleep quite quickly… very unusual for me. I also woke up several times feeling quite confused. As an example: I woke up and it was light and Janet was standing in front of me with a cup of tea… for half-a-minute or so I thought it was morning but it turned out to be 8.45pm the same evening. And so it continued… waking up in the dark and assuming it was 4am or 5am when it was only 11.30pm… waking hours and hours later and it was 12.15am. You get my message.

    I was also sweating a lot and changing tops… one moment feeling very warm, the other extremely hot. And it continued for the next 2 days… with me feeling totally out of sorts, weak as a kitten and proper job fed up.

    I was beginning to get really concerned. If this state of affairs continued I knew that my holiday would be jeopardised… I mean, it had been 13 days since my last Velcade and I was still feeling pretty awful… surely I should be feeling better by now?:-/

    I voiced that last part out loud to Janet who gave me a pitiful look… she then informed me that I had only had my last Velcade injection [b]6[/b] days ago… and that I never started feeling better until later on in the rest week, i.e. about today or tomorrow.:-|

    So all the above symptoms are atypical (for me) during the early part of the 'rest' week and I had somehow convinced myself that I was much further down the line. I should be starting Cycle 6 next Monday but because of my holiday at the end of that week it has been postponed until I get back… giving me a total 'rest' of 21 days instead of the usual 10.:-D

    I was in a right 2s/6d I can tell you… but hopefully everything will start falling into place in the next few days.8-)

    I blame the meds myself. 🙂 😀




    Ah Dai
    I recognise these symptoms only too well. Its like I go upstairs to get something, get to the top of the stairs and haven't got a clue why I am there!!!
    Have to go all the way down stairs retrace my steps usually to remember what it was ,
    I call it my senior moments. Believe you me, its got nowt to do with velcade dex or otherwise its simply getting old and slowing down.
    I did do a bit of brain training and became sharp as a button, but still couldnt get to the top of the stairs and remember what I went there for.
    Time to chill out and relax and you will be back to your old self.
    I need to listen to myself and do some of that too.



    I agree with Min Dai. I sometimes have the same confusion. I tend to hit the pillow and go straight out. Then I wake at say 11:45 and think it is 5:00 am! And, your right about forgetting things Min. I see it as good wholesome exercise going up and down the stair trying to remember what it was I went down or up the stairs for in the first place. Great Old Age in'it.

    kindest regards – Vasbyte




    2 shillings and sixpence

    Was it not known as half a crown Dai OOPS just shown my age



    On a more serious note do we not all get a little more confused as we get older? As far as I am aware I do not have an "end of life" illness but I am hopeless when it comes to what day? what time? etc Gillxxx

    aged 35 NO? OK 45 NO? 55? NO

    61 retired live and adore an mm person



    Hi All
    We find are senile moments very funny at times,were does the day go,looking foe keys can take up time,My husband refuses to go in my handbag,he claims he could loose his hand in there,the more we try to be more methodical,the worse it gets how many pairs of reading glasses get lost!!!.then add this Myeloma to the mixture with all these mind blowing drugs,lack of sleep,tiredness,and general lathargy,you get Saga Junkies 🙂
    What worries me is we become the children,and the children become the parents,they look at you,if to say now come on children get your selves organised:-S 😛

    When I was hitting fifty MY thought were on The f words.= Fifty Fat and Forget about IT
    When I reached sixty they turned to S words Sixty Stupid and Senile.
    I have other words for F and S but if I used them on here,they would ban me.

    So Dai you are not alone,just hide it from your kids,my daughter keeps telling me she,s got a home lined up for me,and I keep telling her,I am spending her inheritance!!!!!.Eve



    A little light relief for the weekend Gill xx

    I?m Fine Thank You

    There is nothing the matter with me,
    I?m as healthy as I can be.
    I have arthritis in both my knees
    And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze.
    Sleep is denied me night after night.
    But every morning I find I?m all right.
    My memory is failing, my head?s in a spin.
    But I?m awfully well for the shape I am in.

    How do I know my youth is all spent?
    Well my ?get up and go? has got up and went.
    But I really don?t mind when I think with a grin,
    of all the grand places my ?get up? has bin.

    ?Old age is golden? I?ve heard it said,
    But sometimes I wonder as I get into bed,
    With my ears in the drawer, my teeth in a cup,
    My eyes on the table until I wake up.
    ?Ere sleep overtakes me I say to myself.
    ?Is there anything else I could lay on the shelf??

    When I was young my slippers were red,
    I kicked my heels over my head.
    When I was older my slippers were blue,
    But I could still dance the whole night through.
    Now I am old my slippers are black,
    I walk to the store and puff my way back.

    I get up each morning and dust off my wits,
    And pick up the paper and read the ?obits?.
    If my name is still missing I know I?m not dead.
    So I have a good breakfast ? and face what?s ahead!



    Hey Gill

    I enjoyed that. I am in bed with an infection (keeping away from Frank), I was feeling very sorry for myself but that cheered me up.




    Hello Dia

    I too am old enough to remember 2/6 half a crown that was my pocket money;-)

    as for getting confused I am always making journeys up and down stairs forgetting what I went up for going out in the car getting to the end of the road and turning back having forgotten some:-P thing again I think its call senior moments
    Love Jo



    Yes I can vouch for the forgetfullness we went to Beamish museum last week and I have been mentioning it in E-mails I have had to ask my wife three times the name of the place, come to think of it I remembered it this time. Ted.



    Hope you enjoyed Beamish Ted, its like a journey back in time, I was there last half term with my grandchildren who are a little to young to apreciate it but it brought back so many memories of childhood.
    There now no problem remembering 50 years ago the fact that the decor in my Grannys house was exactly like one in Beamish
    But cant remember where I left my mobile phone. I have to ring myself from a landline to find it. Wonder how many others have to do that.



    Hi Dai all I can add to this post is that I have just found my lost keys —–in the fridge!!!Enough said! love Bridget x



    I remember I used to be able to buy a pack of 10 Embassy, box of matches and a packet of polos to hide the breath smell when I was a teenager and still have change from a half crown!!



    Ahh, Those were the days Eve, but, I can remember packets of 5 Woodbines :-D. Half a Crown pocket money my God somebody had a rich Daddy.

    kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hah I love Memory lane ! Does anyone remember the Saturday Cinema? We used to love getting the bus on our own then spending a very noisy , exciting couple of hours with a few sweets thrown in . The following week we played whatever games the best film had been about , cowboys and indians or robin hood stick out in my memory .The smart kids knew how to get in for nothing via the back doors but I was too chicken to try!! love Bridget x

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