allergies cont.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  brocho 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    low.Eventually I was sent home but was back a few days later with raised temperature and the runs. Thankfully I was only in for a few days that time but I wasn't prepared to run the risk of going through anything serious again.

    I even had to send for my son from Uni to say possible farewell the first time…I overheard the consultant telling my other half that he wasn't too optimistic about the outcome, but here I still am and have to dash now to my Macmillan appointment.

    Bye for now, Peggy



    Hi Peggy wow you had a lucky escape! It just shows we cant afford to ignore our symptoms for too long , which I am guilty of ! Hopefully you will never have to be in that position again though so take care and look after yourself love Bridget x

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