Hi Vanessa
I can remember when Slim was on trials and he was randomised for no maintenance,and yes I felt a bit peeved ,but it did give us a bit more freedom,plus look at people who have chosen not to have maintenance like Vicky,s husband,or people like Babs who were constantly ill,and came off maintenance,so you have to ask your self are we really missing out on anything.:-)
Now PP 15 ,you are in wait and see mode,they could go down,or rise,,let's say they rise plus you have to start again,then it's Velcade,which is having good results.
Lets say they might go down,which they do,depending on,general condition,your husbands PP just might stay the same.
We have all felt as you feel some time on this roller coaster,this is a life time journey,be it short or long,no one knows,but you are spoiling today by worrying about something that has not happened ,not good for you both or your baby.
The consultant might have made a mistake,I do not know,it's great having hind site ,it's no use saying what if,may be I look at life differently,I tend to think these are the cards you have been dealt,and you have to play them the best way you can.
I went through a similar stage as you,when Slim had pneumonia and caused so much damage to his lungs, so so angry,I had to resought to a little white tablet just to keep my emotions in check,worth thinking about. Good luck Eve