Been in the wars

This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,sorry i've been so very quiet but i've been in the wars with my staircase,a few weeks back,i was getting ready to go to bed,after making sure everything was switched off,and tidied up,Steve was in the kitchen clearing away the dishes,i was ready to go on up,anyway i can honestly say i don't remember climbing up the stairs,apparently i blacked out and fell down the stairs and landed on my hallway floor,very lucky i never cracked my head open. Thank god my Stephen was home,next thing i knew i was waking up in hospital,with a lovely swollen head and a fractured skull,i stayed in hospital for nearly a week,. Been told its gonna take about 8weeks to repair,i've also knocked my senses,so for the past 3wks i've lost my sense of smell and taste,its been horrible. One good thing out of all this is that it hasn't triggered my mm,so i'm still in remission. I'm starting to feel alot better,been a little bit down but picking up again,. Hope all is well and enjoying the lovely weather,have a good weekend take care Shirley x x x



    What are you like. You are supposed to be taking it easy, not head dives down the stairwell. It was a good job Steve was there and I am glad you are home and recovering… just take it slow, sit in the garden and get an escort up the stairs… here I was taking your silence for an enjoyable, carefreee time. Tut, tut… and I mean tut. 🙂 :-/ 😎




    What a mess for you, i hope you are getting better now.
    The positive thing is still in remission that is really good news.
    Take care of yourself
    Gina x



    OMG Shirley,
    What you playing at? you go to all the bother of having a special stem cell transplant and then you decide to learn to dive without water. :-S
    I think you just like hospital food and wanted to get back in there!:-/
    Thank god your Steve was there,when you needed him. I hope your taking it easy and wearing a big elastoplast, or no one will know what's wrong with you!
    Take it easy and get well soon, I imagine you have had all the jokes you can stand. So just relax

    Love Min



    Dear Shirley you poor thing !! But I must say you certainly know how to have a dramatic mishap, beats me falling down the manhole by a mile !! Seriously though make sure you take it easy let everybody else look after you lots of love Bridget xx



    Thanks everybody,i'm getting and feeling better each day,just doing gentle jobs around the house,and Steve bless him has been fantastic,really looking after me and the family come up when Steve is working,so everybody has been great. No more diving for me,begining to think i've more lives than a cat ha ha ha anyway all have a good sunday,take care Shirls x x x



    Hi shirls

    i think you must have nine lives dont use up toooo !!!many at once, glad you are recovering well it must have been a great relief it didnt trigger the MM again

    Love Jo 😉



    Awe thanks Jo,just very grateful that it was just a fracture and nothing else,. It really did shake me up,i don't even remember going up the stairs let alone coming down them ha ha. But i'm doing ok,best wishes Shirls x



    Aww Bless you Shirl, am pleased you are on the mend 😀 I also have fallen down the stairs more than once I hasten to add Normally on a Friday nite:-/ and yes you would think I should know better he he.

    Bet it was a shock for Steve:-0 to find you laid there :-S

    Keep up the good recovery8-) and not forgetting "Stanna"

    Love Tom xxxx



    Haha Tom I notice you didnt say Onwards and Upwards to Shirley !! x



    wow Bridget you are fast ha ha, yes thats correct I dint think it was the done thing to add "Onwards and Upwards" for Shirley ha ha.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Bridgett and Tom,loving your sense of humour ha ha,keep it going.I'm not doing to bad,although i now have blistered lips and a very sore mouth,went to my hospital to have it checked out,and i'm glad i did as i might have a very bad case of thrush or it could be graft verses host in which they want to happen,they gave me anti fungal tabs to clear the thrush if it doesn't start clearing up then they are almost sure its graft verses host,they took swabs but won't know results til Wednesday,i don't know seems to be one thing after another ha ha,but i'm ok other than that. Have a good weekend folks take care Shirls x x



    Hi Shirl

    Am pleased you Like our (bridgets and my posts) cos I feel if you can smile nay Laugh in the face of adversay you have it half beat 😀

    Hope the Robin gets (sorry thrush anm not that good with birds?) better.

    Hope it is soon better

    Love and Hugs

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx

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