Best place for treatment within the UK…

This topic contains 40 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  jeff605 10 years, 12 months ago.

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    Hi Stuart,

    Thanks very much. Your opinion of the French Specialists and ours it pretty much the same. although we haven't had a stay in hospital yet.




    Good morning John
    Sorry to hear about your story, the cracked ribs are not very nice, although mine seems to be fine now after about 4 months.
    The Beacon centre is very nice, the consultants and staff are all very friendly.
    I hope your next lot of tests at the end of this month goes well for you. It is a long old road with myeloma, I am just taking it one day at a time.
    Wishing you all the best



    Hi Stuart,

    Just had my 4th consultation with the specialist yesterday. He basically told me that he didn't have time to answer any of my questions and that wasn't his job. The previous consultation had been taken up by him arguing with another doctor. As it stands I have no idea when they are going to commence treatment or, what that treatment will be. Needless to say I am now demanding another specialist but Kathy and I have also decided to investigate returning to the UK for treatment. Did you find the process very difficult?




    Hi John
    yep! that sounds like the sort of caring medical professionals we ran into regularly. Julia and I went to most of the best MM hospitals in France, and with only one exception we were treated with that same attitude. The only exception was from the team under Professor Phillipe Moreau at CHU Nantes who seemed to us to be very good. ( He also happens to speak English ).
    The only reason we didn't turn to them was because we had in the meantime been to England and met with Prof Gareth Morgan and his team at the Marsden who ,for us; were quite outstanding. Julia has been a patient there since December 2008.
    We found the process of accessing the healthcare system in the UK quite straightforward, and if you want details PM me.



    Hi Stuart,

    How do I PM you?




    Hi John
    click on my name that you see in orange,it will show my profile, and to the right hand side you will see it says "send private message". I've just sent you one with my email address on.



    Hi Kathy
    Southampton is brilliant. Charlie has been through everything there and it has been great. He is on the trials, been through stem cell with no side affects beside losing his hair. We have move up to Hertfordshire to be nearer family and think, now we have to go to the royal mars den which is supposed to be good but we are sorry to leave Southamptom. Good Luck. Love Us x x



    Hi Kathy
    Southampton is brilliant. Charlie has been through everything there and it has been great. He is on the trials, been through stem cell with no side affects beside losing his hair. We have move up to Hertfordshire to be nearer family and think, now we have to go to the royal mars den which is supposed to be good but we are sorry to leave Southamptom. Good Luck. Love Us x x



    I'm still only 'smouldering' so haven't had treatment yet. But we've so far been very happy with the care offered at Hereford hospital. There's a new purpose built and attractive unit, and the two haematologists I've seen, Dr Robinson and Dr Willoughby have been excellent – intelligent, nice and give you proper answers to questions and plenty of time to ask them. dr Willoughby assures me there'll be no 'post-code lottery' when I need treatment.



    Hi,  Would like to give a big thumbs up for the Beatson Centre in Glasgow where I’ve been getting treatment. Excellent team there, doctors very good and clear in discussing treatment, issues etc at clinics.  I had SCT in the transplant ward and the full team were great, only issue was the food …. not good 🙁  Also they have a Maggie’s centre there which was really helpful to have some days between appointments




    Hi, don’t like this new site !!
    Just found this subject while browsing, reading through it it seems the great majority of subscribers are happy with the NHS hospital they are attending, which is good. Even though I have been complaining about the lack of freely given information by the consultants at the LRI in Leicester, – not on my own I would add – I wouldn’t complain about the actual treatment, the staff or response to problems. There is a team of consultants, you don’t often see the same one twice, they do quite obviously work as a team and discuss ” us ” in team meetings with other disciplines being co – oped as necessary. It is a large hospital, and seems to have between themselves and the other two associated Leic. hospitals most of the scanners, etc. needed. I have tried to find information on such things as survival rates, hospital ratings, etc, but found it difficult to get any information,let alone any meaningful information. I have written this in case anyone has read any of my moans in other entries and put them off LRI.
    Best wishes to all, Jeff605

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