This topic contains 23 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  eve 13 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #103931


    Hi Min
    The news is not great I am going to try to keep this reply short

    After being discharged from A&e,then readmitted 2 days later on easter monday Slim spent 9 days in itu with septic pneumonia in both lungs,care excellent,
    sent to general ward,as cancer ward would not accept him,hdu was not given as alternative.
    First complaint wrong ward,tried to get him moved
    that night after i went home,Slim never saw a nurse all night,5 times up to toilet 50 mts.this man could hardly walk20 mts.I told staff before Ileft he needed help unable to lift body weight from toilet.Dirty toilets no emergency bells in taken,
    Second compaint,He needed to be off this ward,infection highly likley,standered poor,doctor who should have been looking after Slim,never showed ,asked to see Matron,MMtrials team,no response until I went to trust building to family complaints.
    Three days later and lots of talking no results.
    Slim has now got the septic pneumonia back.
    So exhausted have been in hospital over 12 hours a day,trying to minimize people having contact,doing all personal care,you would think after nine days in itu,his after care would have been hdu at least
    My own grandchildren do not see him,but other peoples kids are less than 5 mts away

    None of the above issues have been resolved at all,3 days is a plenty of time to solve basic hygene,plastic bowels shared between patients,emergency bells not fixed,tables not cleaned,dirty bed pans left in sluice room with door open outside trolleys waiting to feed and water patients,my business would have been closed down ,inthese conditions.

    I can not take him out myself as he is so ill,now septic pneumonia is back,he is physically going down hill and so depressed.
    I watched a doctor and nurse pull him up the bed by his shoulders,although I told them about his mm tried to tell them to use sheet to lift,all to no avail .
    Making notes taking pictures,complaining,but it is not making Slim better.
    In one hand there telling me he has been seriously ill and not fit to leave,and when I point out the chances because of conditions,and staff who cannot cope with someone that needs high dependence and basic contamination between beds,also the fast amount of staff he is coming in contact with,who have no idea about mm conditions,to put it bluntly it is very poor and no one is taking any notice just doing there little bit of expertise and not treating the patient as a human being.

    off to hospital now for another marathon



    Dear Eve its heartbreaking reading your post and the last thing you need when Slim is so ill is having to worry about his basic care. Although Slim is on a general ward surely his own consultant must be responsible for his care!! What sort of response have you had from the consultant or specialist nurse? I found out many years ago that when a patient with specific needs is on a general ward it is so difficult for families to safeguard their well being ( my daughter has cystic fibrosis and has to be so careful regarding infections too) What about the Patient Liason service , if I remember rightly every hospital has this service to deal with complaints, It would not be unreasonable to expect Slim to be in a side-ward , surely thats precisely the type of ward he does need , this would not help with the staff issues but at least it would allow you to heep his surroundings clean and safe. Another thing you could do is ring the mmuk helpline , they are so helpful and may be able to point you in the right direction Sending you both love and I really hope Slim starts to feel better very soon ove to you both Bridget x



    Dear Eve
    I feel for you and the frustrating and annoying situation you find yourself in.
    1st things 1st go and find the pals (patient liason) department and jump up and down. Make very loud noises and make sure a lot of people are listening.
    Make your voice heard in the ward when you see some of the major problems dont worry if the other patients and visitors hear what is being said if there is a genuine problem they will not want all of them up in arms too.
    Which hospital is slim in? sound disgusting and needs for other people to find out if thing are very wrong.
    When my mother was in a district hopital on a ward with having had a stroke C Diff was rife.I witnessed a nurse change a stoma bag on patient and then go to the next bed and take out a patients false teeth while wearing the same gloves!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouted at her and made such a fuss there were immediate changes. I made it loud and clear that when I left there I was going to speak to the member of parliamenent. Might sound strange but Hospital management have to be answerable to someone.
    If it is so very bad, ring the local newspaper, or the tabloids and get them to come along and photograph the problems with you. Its amazing what some bad publicity can do to recitfy major identifiable problems.
    Where is the consultant who looks after him in all this? is he in the same hospital. If not get in touch with him.
    I know your probably freaking out watching what is happening and f nothing else your anger can be used to do some good for all of the patients.
    I am not forgetting poor Slim. I watched my husband at the outset of this bludy annoying illness with pneumonia in hospital with the worries of infections but at least he was in an excelent place of care compared to Slim. He is obviously not able to help himself at this moment, so its down to you. Camp out with him, dont leave until you get some answers or changes in his care. Keep your chin up girl you will get thru this, be posative and take care of your needs too; You dont want to find yourself being ill as a result of the stress you must be under so take some time out and get your daughter to do some visiting to give you a much needed break.
    Take Care
    luv Min



    Dear Eve
    I am so sorry to read of the terrible time that Slim and you are going through.
    It sounds like the hospital from hel*. I can only say that I agree with what Min has said.
    It sounds like good advice. I hope that you get this sorted quickly and be assured that all our thoughts are with you
    Both. My prayers are with you and Slim. Take care
    Love Jean x



    Hello Eve

    So sorry to hear about Slim I agree with Min and Jean contact your local paper and what about the daily mail also could myeloma uk help you
    my thoughts are with you
    love Jo x



    just got in
    THere is now a bug on ward number of patients infected Slim being one,was talking about shut down,doing all personal care ,picked up on antibiotics and fluids,plus potassium low.
    exray not looking good patchy lungs,I cannot tell you how many people I have spoken too.Even Slim in one of his lucid moments,had a slanging match with a nurse,he could not take tablets,because he felt like vomiting,she said he asked for pain killers,not true they are slow releasing part of pain control for mm.
    abandon hope all you who enter Canterbury Hospital,in Kent.
    I have made it my place to do personal care even in itu,the only other contact is staff.
    I informed the myeloma team on Wednesday They have taken over his care,but will not move him to unit for cancer patients,does not fit criteria ask to see it in writing still waiting,.
    going to bed,dog is farmed out,back to hospital for eight o clock



    Oh Eve!

    Nothing to say except I am thinking of Slim and you and holding you both in my prayers.

    I wish I could give you a big hug

    {{{{{{{{{Eve and Slim}}}}}}}}




    Hi Eve
    I hope today had been a little better for you and slim. I am thinking of you both



    First chance to reply
    Ward went in lock down today no new admissions place swarming with cleaners. Slims septic pneumonia is back, had 24 hour bug,on the whole much better,Test to see if there is an under lying infection.Doctor does not think it is directly related to mm,except concerning the body being at low ebb,to pick up infections.all the more reason not to be on general ward!!!!!!!!!
    Slim was given drugs that were not his.Told they would not clash with the drugs he is taking.!!!!!
    Look under the Dr Foster awards and see who has the best nursing in this country!!!!!!!
    If this is true,?

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