
This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tonyf 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    what blood's result's do i ask the nurses for ???
    the young nurse i asked wasn't sure but gave me these:-
    HB 100
    platlet's 274
    neutrophil's 9.8
    is there somewhere on the site that list's all the abbrevations used when discussing this desease ??
    it's all too confusing especialy with a brain that's already mushed with shock!!



    Hi, If you look under Patient Services – Myloema Info go into Newly Diagnosed – Essential Guide – This is a good doc and the appendices will give you some meaning of it all and the normal range of blood info – Appendix 2. You will also be read up on different treatments/issues etc. in this area of the site. Just try not to scare yourself reading lots of things – after diagnosis I refused to go on the internet and look for it and then succumbed and scared myself silly – but in fairness there is nothing scary of the literature on this site so I'd stick to this site only for a while until you have a good grounding of it all.
    Take care
    Rebecca x



    Hi John,

    I was going to direct you to the same document that Rebecca has mentioned, this is the link:

    It is very confusing at the start and I still find more than a year since my husband Phil was diagnosed that I do not understand all the results but we now know what to monitor for Phil so we don't worry about all the numbers, just the neutrophils, platlets, HG and Paraproteins in Phil's case. At the hospital where Phil is treated we ask for a print out of his blood results, this helpfully also indicates if a number is high or low, you could ask for a print out as it is easier to monitor things if you have all the details to refer to.




    Hi Johm

    Blood results can be confusing. MMUK will give you a diary if you contact them. It has all different sections in it. I find it invaluable and consultant now expects me to have it and is ready with blood results. It gives the range that blood should and a section that you can record every visit, questions to ask, and a lot more. Hope things improve soon for June

    Best wishes jean x



    rebecca megan and jean appologies for late reply,head department is mush as usual,
    the nurses dont seam interested in my desire to learn more,and i find the consultant difficult to talk to…..or should i say he gives the impression of finding me difficult to listen too!! maybe when my emotian's settle down,i will find it easier to get across concern's



    Hello John, you seem to be having a difficult time of things at the moment. You don't say what area of UK you live in.
    Most areas have a Myeloma Group, in Leicestershire where I live they meet monthly at the local cancer centre, and can give advice, help, listen or just supply tea/coffee.
    Failing that why not get in touch with Macmillan.
    I'm sure that they will be able to offer all sorts of advice on equipment and what you may need to help June.
    All the best
    Tony F

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