Bristol SCT

This topic contains 30 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi Stephen,

    Have been thinking about you! Glad to hear you are doing well and things aren't too bad. Your time in isolation has gone fast! Well, for us anyway, maybe not you 😀 Not long before you are home maybe? Keep going, onwards and upwards as Tom would say

    Vicki and Colin x



    Good to hear that things are going fairly smoothly for you, Stephen!!

    I hope it won't be long before your neutrophil count starts to climb and the doctor starts to think of giving you a release date!!




    Hi Stephen, have been thinking about you and glad to read that you are getting through this without too much trauma. I managed to talk my way out on Day 21, so maybe you haven't got too much longer to go., (Filling in my own food chart helped as I entered what I ordered but not necessarily what I actually ate!). You will know when you feel ready to go home.

    Stay well and good luck for the coming weeks – lots of sleeping ahead!




    Hi Stephen,

    I hope the SCT gives you a good long remission period. What a hassle the procedure seems to be. As my kidneys are wrecked, I didn't have that and to be honest I'm quite glad as its not exactly fun.

    Keep fighting.




    This will be my last entry on this discussion as, yesterday, I was discharged from hospital and allowed to come home. 16 nights is hardly a record but certainly below the norm.

    During my isolation I was provided prints of my blood tests on a daily basis. It was fascinating to watch them deteriorate due to the melphalan but even more amazing to see them miraculously start to recover and exactly on schedule. As an example, my nuetrophils where 0 on Sunday yet yesterday (Wednesday) they had recovered to 2.22.

    The care I've received at Bristol was without fault – a wonderful team who were entirely responsible for my easy ride.

    Thank you everyone for your kind words of support – they meant so much to me.

    Keep well everyone




    And a well done to you Stephen I also was a 16 dayer 😎

    Now you keep fit healthy and bug free

    Tom "Onwards and upwards x



    Hi Stephen

    Good to hear from you! Well done you. Take care of yourself and enjoy being back in your own bed.

    Love Ali x




    I am glad you are out and at home. As Woody Guthrie said:

    [b]'Take it easy but take it'.[/b]

    Now… for the important Q. When did you first achieve 0.1 or more? I placed a considerable bet with myself that it would be Tuesday the 17th.

    I hope I am right because I will treat myself with my winnings 😀 but either way I am so glad that you are now officially on the road to recovery and I hope that your remission is both long and happy.8-)




    Hello Dai

    Neutrophyls 0 for 11th to 15th. 0.03 on 16th, 0.38 on 17th, and 2.22 on 18th.

    I guess you win your bet. I win being home!

    Best wishes and keep well




    Hi Stephen,

    Unfortunately it looks like I lost my bet which was for Tuesday 17th and your first show was actually Monday 16th with that 0.03. Still, I'm happy to lose because it got you home a day earlier. Your readings will go from strength to strength each day now but please take it very easy for the first few weeks at home.

    Surrounded by familiar things and familiar people it is tempting to try what you might perceive to be ordinary things but always think twice says the voice of experience who ended up cream-crackered by the smallest of tasks.;-)

    But you are home and the SCT procedure is done and dusted… and that is all that matters for now.8-)




    Woohoo!! Well done that man!!

    I am glad to hear you are now back at home, Stephen.

    I know you don't really need to be told, but do listen to your body and rest when it tells you to!




    Hi stephen,

    Well done and so pleased for you…'s great to be home I bet!, glad things went well for you and looking for ward to a long long remission!. Colin is due to start his gcsfs tomorrow and then have a line put in on Monday. Wednesday/Thursday we are at Bristol, for harvest, then if all goes well we are in for SCT 14th august (it has been brought forward a week). I know Colin is very apprehensive about this next stage, from the pain caused by gcsfs to the SCT itself, but it is people like you that give him and I the encouragement to carry on.

    Good luck, take it easy when required and be healthy

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Vicki and Colin
    Good Luck with the injections and the pain is ???? but copeable (not sure if that a proper word lol) but the more pain the better seems you get more cells the more pain you have 😎 its only intermittant when the cells are shoving themselfs out into the bloodstream.

    Hope the collection is done all in one day 😎

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Vicki
    I hope all goes well for Colin next week, the GCSF made me fell as though I'd been kicked in the chest by a horse sometimes, especially when rising from the sofa, 😛 But harvest was straight forward, then I took three weeks to feel well again. I had my transplant 15th- 17th August last year.
    Stephen, you seem to have done remarkably well, hope it continues.
    Love Helen



    Thanks Helen,

    All going well so far. Line in and 3 lots of gcsfs done, with sone pain in lower back. Other than that,seems ok. Colinnsaw one of the consultants today and she's said for the second time, don't be disappointed if they don't get enough. We don't know whether she means first time, or at all, which is slightly disconcerting. 🙁 we will know end of this week though.

    How are you doing with your return to work, and finding enough time to do your hair?


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