Calling Elizabeth

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Elizellen 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi Elizabeth hope you are well. You posted a few months ago (I think it was you)about the little recorder. I bought one and have been using it ever since to record the comments of consultant . It has been great to go over what she said as I never remembered all of it. Anyway we were at consultant today and I got into conversation with two ladies. They commented on what they thought was my memory stick. I told them what it was and what I used it for and they were very enthuiastic and wanted to know where I got it from so they each could get one. For the life of me I can't remember. I scoured my lap top and also the forum but cannot find the web address. Can you let me know the address if you still have it and I can forward it on to my two new friends.

    Keep well
    Many thanks
    Love Jean x



    Hi Jean
    looks like she is on holiday but I took her advice and bought one too from

    hope this helps



    I think you mean Min. They are under Electronic Gadgets sub menu "phone and TV gadgets" at 29.95 each.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


    p.s. If you want to buy a Gazoo (can any body remember them) is the place to go. All sorts of Gazoos in different colours 😀



    Thanks Min and David. I think they (recorders) are brilliant. David what is a Gazoo??

    Love Jean x



    Sorry getting mixed up in my old age. I was thinking of a Kazoo which was like a penny whistle but made an orrible noise! Gazoo was a little green man in the Flintstones I think LOL 😀

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    I am sorry not to have responded earlier, Jean, but hopefully the others managed to point you in the right direction.

    I am glad you found it as useful a gadget as I do.

    I have not been online much this month due not to being on holiday but to having to take my turn as a carer.

    My hubby, Sam, had pneumonia at the start of October with a short stay in hospital. Then a week or so after being released (too early in my opinion but that is another story) he experienced chest pains for which our GP prescribed a trip in an ambulance straight to A&E.

    Apparently chest pains in the elderly (he is nearly 80) need taking seriously so I got a virtual rap on the knuckles for making a doctor's appointment and not dialling 999.

    So the poor boy has been in hospital for 2 1/2 weeks so far and is bored to death and wants out. They put a couple of stents in initially then decided he should have a pacemakeras well.

    He is not recovering too well from that procedure as he ended up with fluid in his chest and is now having breathing problems.

    Oh well, I keep telling myself he is in the best place and hopefully will be out soon.

    I can understand now why when I was in last year for my SCT he seemed to get nothing done in the 5 weeks, as I seem to have no time or inclination to do much apart from visiting him.

    Gosh, I didn't intend to write a novel but seem to have done so.

    Sorry to bore you if I have





    Hi Elizabeth

    Good to hear from you. Was wondering where you were. You are not boring!!! So sorry to hear about your husband and hope it is not long to he feels better and gets home.

    Yes my two new friends have ordered recorders but one now has to learn to use computer. Her son is going to show her what to do. I find it invaluable. Thanks

    Love the new photo and the hat!!

    Take care
    Jean xx



    Hi Elizabeth
    Love the hat, hope Sam is ok now



    Hi Helen.
    Yes he is home and gradually getting his strength and "joie de vivre" back!
    Thank you for asking.


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