Chest Infection

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    Hi guys,for the last 4,weeks I have had Flu like symptoms which have eased off a little but I still have this rasping cough.
    I saw the Hospital doctor and he gave me some antibiotics but that was only for the infection but the real problem was down to a virus.
    My wife has also been down with it but her immune system is obviously alot better than mine so has handled it much better.
    It may be coincidence but it all started imediately after I had the Flu jab
    which in it'self was'nt a problem but I did'nt take too well to the pneumonia injection and felt quite unwell for 3 or 4 days afterwards before the actual flu symtoms kicked in for real.
    I just hope it goes soon because the constant coughing is giving me a headache.
    Rant over…….hope everyone is keeping well…Keith.



    Hi Keith, Both my wife and I had the chesty cough after the flu jab and I have heard of several others who have had the same 🙁 .

    I hope it clears up soon for you, kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Keith,

    Empathy abounding from me. I had a chest infection, with meds from my GP, when I had my Flu/Pneumonia jabs on the same day. 24 hours later I was in hospital with a temp of 38.6 and one of the nurses said that she had seen this before after the dual shots. Out of hospital with another couple of strong anti-biotics and then coughing up of gunge for the following 6 weeks.

    The gunge has, more or less, stopped but I am still a bit wheezy with facial eczema to boot. My cold started on Oct 3rd and I still don't feel 100%. I have seen my consultant in the meantime and she thinks it is viral and therefore was reluctant to give me more anti-biotics.

    I had asthma when I was very young and with the wheeziness and the eczema I am wondering if it is back, albeit in a mild form. I also sweat like billyo after the slightest exertion…

    My remission started on October 3rd and I can honestly say that I have not had one single day where I have felt 100% (all other things taken into consideration).

    Moan over.




    Hi Keith I am sorry your feeling so wretched with your cough.
    When I was very much younger and up to a few years go I used to get very bad bronchitis ( my dad was a heavy smoker as indeed I was prior to peter getting ill)
    The coughing was a nightmare and it went on for weeks and weeks particularly when I was warm or well wrapped up.
    Someone told me to keep a flannel in the fridge and apply it to my main arteries in my neck when the coughing would not allow me to sleep for instance or when I simply could not stop it. Or if all else fails paracetamol!
    It does work and hope it might work for you.
    Best wishes



    Thank's Min,David and Dai for your posts.
    I must admit Dai your experience seems to be a mirror image of my own.
    I also have a facial itch,in particular around my neck.
    If I had known that by having both Jabs at the same time there could be a risk of this happening I would never have gone through with it.
    I am now going into the sixth week and I'm well sick of it I can tell you.

    Hope yours clears up soon.



    Hi Keith,thats me all over,i had my flu jabs done about 3weeks ago,and this week i've had a pretty bad cold and it went onto my chest,like you i'm totally fed up with the hacking cough,some sleepless nights,but i've to be careful cuz i've lung damage,anyway i do hope you feel better in time for next week festivities,Merry Christmas xShirls 🙂 🙂



    Hello Kieth

    sorry you have been under the weather its the cough that gets you they seem to last ages these days I suppose our immune systems will never be as good as they should be I hope you feel much better soon
    Keep well Happy Christmas
    Love JO 🙂



    Dear Keith,

    Sorry to hear you are suffering with such a nasty infection. As I write this Steve and I are both huddled up in the sofa in front of the fire with exactly the same symptoms as you describe. he has been ill since this time last week and is having some trouble shaking it off, as you say I sure that is down to his compromised immune system. However I am normally fairly fit and its hit me hard as well. I am not sure if it related to the flu jabs for us as Steve had his a couple of weeks before me about a month ago. I thinkl there are some nasty bugs going the rounds and I agree they are probably viral. As a teacher i have noticed several students being away from school and i have done the usual thing of just getting to the end of term and then succumbing!

    I hope everyone feels better soon and is able to fully enjoy the festive season,

    Love Mari xx



    Dear Keith

    I do hope you will have kicked off the worst of this chest infection by Christmas.

    It's no wonder everyone is catching things – I'm getting a real down on folk who just sneeze and cough all over the place and never use a hankerchief.

    All best wishes.




    Hello Keith

    I had a flu jab years ago and got the worst cold of my life. Never again any flu jabs for me.

    I did get a bad cold a few weeks ago and as usual was left with a hacking cough. It was a form of asthma and I got two different types of inhaler – one preventative and one for when the cough gets bad. They worked brilliantly and the cough is now gone. If all else fails try that.

    Hope you and all on the forum have as great a Christmas as possible.

    Best wishes.


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