Colin SCT starting, here goes!!! :-)

This topic contains 113 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi all,

    Just catching up. At hospital with Colin as we speak. He has had the remainder of his stem cells returned today so all returned with no problems :-). The smell of sweetcorn is not as strong as I expected but still there and it does smell when I walk up the main ward! Our stem cell nurse Sian who helped with the return goes green every time ha ha!

    Colin has felt a little off colour today and he said his tummy is starting to bubble a bit but so far so good.

    Stephen, so pleased to hear you are making a good recovery and hope very much that you enjoyed Cyprus. It's hard to imagine that at the minute, sitting here in a hospital waiting for the runny tummy and sickness to start 🙁

    Same to you Phil, hope you and the family are having a great time, not too much clubbing now!

    David and Dai, thanks forthe good wishes and the advice. I feel very nervous about this whole thing, including when we come home.will remember what you have said. I guess it's the same as when colins neutrophils were 0.5 when he had an infection at home? Remembering issues with food and people with coughs and colds. Couldn't be a worse time now eh?

    Sue thanks for the info, Colin says he feels mildly sickish and a bit of runny tummy (too much info):-). slightly worried as col was told not to both sucking lollies after so I really hope he doesn't get a bad mouth. We'll see. Any advice is greatly appreciated, and keep well all!

    Vicki, on behalf of Colin, indisposed sleeping!



    Great to hear things are progressing Vicki.

    Take care both, look forward to reading your ongoing posts.

    Love Ann and Pete




    Hi Vicki
    Good to hear things are going to plan for a change. Check in every day to see if you have updated as Geoff is keen to see how things are going. Stay strong and healthy take some rest whilst you can.
    love Jacquie x



    Hi Vicki and colin

    All Looking Good now and do you know the one that says "Onwards and Upwards is very happy for you two take it on board also so then we can have more "Onwards and Upwards" folk 😀 its not done yet you tow but its Looking good so keep it up and it wont be long now, stay well and bug free.

    Love to you both.

    Tom One "Onwards and Upwards" amongs many xxxx



    Hi All

    Thanks for the good wishes, and Tom like the new onwards and upwards…..will do our best!

    One thing I dont get..when colin had the big chemo on Tuesday evening, when they did his neutrophil count Wednesday it went up!. I checked what his neutrophil was yesterday and it has only just dropped a little bit from something like 4.08 to 3.6 (this is almost beter than at home)?. I dont get how it works- if he has to wait for it to go to 0 we could be waiting ages. Any idea how it works- will it drop sharply? Im holding my breath waiting for the runny tummy etc but no sign yet. Can anyone remember when theirs started….Sweetcorn smell would diminish now I would think too?

    Thnaks for any info. Trying to keep strong but cant believe how tiring it is sitting and watching someone sleep, and watching the telly! 🙂 Going to work as well so I guess I ought to give myself a little break 🙂

    Take care all




    Hi Vicki and Colin…I had my SCT in Jan 2011…and the wife and I were discussing my Neutrofils prior SCT and we think they were about 2.8 ish and after 5-6 days post SCT they were rock bottom at 0.01…gradually rising until on day 17 they had reached 0.5 and I was allowed home…it's like anything with this damn disease everybody reacts differently to the same treatment so both stay positive and "kick it between the legs"…oh by the way Ibiza was shut…beaches empty..most of the bars closed..pool shut…my 16 year old son nearly lost his mind with boredom 🙂 we coped though…in our eyes there is no such thing a bad holiday…stay safe…Phil



    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Just checking in to see how everything is going. All to plan so it seems. There was no big announcement when my Mum reached 0, but I remember asking on here about them rising and Helen replied that they do rise pretty quickly when they start going up.

    You really must give yourself a break, as you will still need some energy when Colin comes home, and just think – nearly a week has gone so far:-)

    Love Ali xx



    Hello Vicki and Colin,

    just a quick word to wish you both well and a good recovery and remission for Colin,

    Love Mari xx



    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Just checking in to see how you both are ?? and Vicki you must rest and get your strenth up cos your work will start more when Colin is Home.

    Lots of Love from one "Onwards and Upwards" to anothe Couple of "Onwards and Upwarders" xxxxx



    Hi all,

    Thanks for the advice 🙂 I do feel better for catching up on sleep this weekend! I'm here at hospital. Well we do not do things the easy way! Apparently week 1 is supposed to be the easy week, and people usually a bit bored, bit tired etc. Well since Thursday Colin has been feeling like the pits……his has felt so nauseous they've now had to put a driver in to manage the nausea. Apparently he had 16 bags of cells returned, all with the preservative in, all of which have made him fell wretched. He and I are both dreding the next bit…..if this is supposed to be the ok bit. He had definitely lost weight already and he looks poorly, if that makes sense.

    I feel a bit overwhelmed and upset by it all today….and really worried about the next bit. Sorry to moan 🙁

    Hope all is well with you all.




    Oh Vicki,sorry to hear you sounding so sad. Cannot comment or give advice obviously because we have got this all to come!

    SCT seems to affect people in diffent ways and so try not to dread the next few weeks, you never know!! No doubt Tom and David can give you more advice and helpful words.

    Thinking of you both!

    Take care

    Love Ann and Pete




    Hang in there Vicki, I know how tough this must be for you, quite apart from what poor Colin is going through. Steve had a similar experience, caused again by the large number of bags of stem cells and the effect of the preservative. He went downhil from the Thursday of the first week, having had melphalan on the Monday and stem cells back on Tues, Wed and Thurs. He was pretty rough over the first weekend, which I spent with him. I was not planning to go in in the Monday, our daughter and Steve's brother were both spending time with him. They both called me to let me know he was not well and I rushed up to London to see him. I left that night fully expecting a call to say he was getting worse but he started to improve and was sent home less than two weeks later. The middle week was rocky but by the second weekend he was much improved. Looking back this was much the same as his first time. It is not the same for everyone and you cannot measure Colin's progress by how he 'should' be doing. I am sure he is getting the best care available and he will need to take time for his body to deal with the drugs and the stems cells. Dont be too hard on yourself or on him, it will take time. Steve came home after three weeks and we were all amazed at how well his bloods were doing. He has just cooked our Sunday lunch, he loves cooking. He could not have done this last week and he is having a nap now, but he will be up later, probably walking around the kitchen to help build up his muscles. Every day he is getting stronger, but he is listening to his body and resting a great deal, it just takes time. I hope this helps in some way, I am not very good at saying helpful things, just look after yourselves and good luck,

    Love Mari xx



    HI Vicky, we are so sorry you are having a rough time, but it's not surprising you are feeling down after so many weeks of pressure, there is no relief from it I know.
    Can you have any time off work,or can anyone else sit with him? Colin will need you to be fit and well so look after yourself!
    The week after the stem cells is absolute s**t, there is no other expression, I hated the smell, sharing a room, the food, noise everything, and that was only with 4 bags.
    A week on, I am feeling a lot better, and I am sure Colin will be too, he will sleep through most of the cr*p like most men!
    hang in there,
    Chris and Lena x



    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Well its a bit rough aint it and we are all sorry to hear that BUT it has to be done and its just a wait and wait now am afraid, when the rough bit gets to Colin am sure Like me he will sleep through most of it I hope.

    This SC things not a fast fix and to be fair Colin and yourself will be knackered for a fair few months no so you must get some rest in, it wont be long now before Colin (if he is like me) would like you to stay at home some nites and rest yourself up as I was just too tired and sleepy to notice Elaine was with me 🙁

    BUT I got better as will Colin 😎
    Love and Hugs for you both.
    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" as you two will be soon xxxxx



    Hi Mari, Tom and chris,

    Hey chris, that's so kind of you to respond, especially in 'your condition'.you made me laugh about men sleeping through…..are you sure you've not met Colin before :-). Glad you are feeling a bit better and on the up. They seem to have got colins sicky feeling under control at the moment. Neutrophils 1.4 I think today, and mouth starting to feel a bit iffy!

    Mar, not good at helpful things! This was the most helpful post and really put me back on balance to read what you've said. I can't thank you enough!. And so glad to hear that steve is recovering so well….and cooking the lunch no less! 🙂

    Tom, as for you, the voice of reason and common sense!

    Just trying to work out with Colin about some nice things i can bring in that he might stand a chance of eating! Not great deal!

    Still onwards and upwards!

    Vicki and an awake Colin 🙂

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