Colin SCT starting, here goes!!! :-)

This topic contains 113 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Dear Vikki
    Just hang on in there for a few days more, you will soon get Colin home then he'll be all grumpy and impatient that he's not getting better fast enough for himself.:-P :-/ It can take a long ……. slow……. time as Tina is currently finding.
    Love Helen



    Hi Vicki and colin

    Well Colin you are soon on the move and sleep is good for you I slept for about 5 days when i had my SCT some times didn't know the young Bride was with me (wot sort of a host was i lol) as for the eating I didn't just water for me I used to order sandwhich for tea and choos it for Elaine so i didn't eat it.

    Sleep well Colin and you will soon be home 😎

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi all,

    Thanks…. You're right it's a slow thing. No worries. Helen you must know colin, he is grumpy already! 🙂 and some of those meds, whatever they are he is talking garbage sometimes! Still they seem to be doing the trick! Hope you are feeling better Helen with that pesky cough.

    Ann and Peter, hope you are both well and Peter is progressing towards SCT….roll on eh!

    Tom Colin is out of bed at the moment, blimey first time that's happened in ages ! However he is now dozing in the chair ha ha. He is a rubbish host too, but the hospital good and I get a nice cup of tea and a sandwich if I want one (well tea is wet and warm but goodness knows what milk they use ha ha :-).

    Still sitting tight, don't know what the neutrophils are at but do know there are bucket loads of antibiotics. Been a lovely autumn day here,so nice to view it out of hospital window lol!




    Hi Vicki & Colin,

    It's good to hear you are out of the bed and sleeping in the chair Colin… hopefully it will be your own chair and your own bed within the next few days or so. 😎 😀 🙂

    You need to draw up an action plan for when you get home… who is allowed to visit, where you want to make your base for daytime hours… (I had/have one of those tables that swings over the bed which is both very useful for food and drink etc. but is big enough to take a laptop as well). I also have an electric recliner (brown leather… I wish I'd gone for a hard wearing cloth… but there you go). I found that I could spend anything between 2 and 4 hours in the recliner before the need to stretch out properly called me back to bed.;-)

    David (Perkymite) and I both had the same idea and I banned all visitors for the first 2 weeks (David a little longer as I recall). People think that they are healthy and germ-free but if they go to work etc., there is always the risk that they have been in contact with others who have colds etc., coming on… I just didn't want to take the risk… and after 2/3 weeks I felt much better… at least more confident about seeing people.:-D

    Take it easy, take it slow… don't let yourselves be pressurised by others… you will thank yourselves in the long run.8-)

    Take care… I hope it's good news tomorrow.:-)





    Hi Vicki & Colin

    Its Good Colin is out of bed for a time even if he is asleep in chair, I bet he is a great Host before and will be again after SCT
    Dai is correct but as for me I went out amongst it all club and walks (short ones)

    Hope your counts are good Tomorrow Colin and get you off home where the hard work starts 🙂

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Vicki,

    On the home straight now, wont be long until Colins back home. Keep smiling 🙂

    Love Ali xx



    Hi all,

    Well the last 2.5 days have been absolutely awful, Colin seemed so I'll, sick, tummy troubles and looked absolutely awful. Even this morning he sounded so awful. There are problems with eating, drinking,stomach feeling awful, rash however, seen the consultant this afternoon…..neutrophils back up to 0.45 which they are very pleased with, platelets not sure and a bit low on phosphate, however overall they are v happy so far. And so am I!. Not out of the woods yet but a big step in the right direction 🙂 🙂 :-).

    There is some talk about coming out by the weekend if they can get the sicky, tummy, eating, rasht issue under control. Not counting chickens but big boost for both today 🙂

    Vicki and an awake and sitting in the chair awake Colin x



    Dear Vivki and Colin,

    Really pleased to hear things are on the up and I hope Colin soon starts to feel a lot better,

    Much love and best wishes,

    Mari xx



    Hi Vikki
    Sounds as though its all progress, I had lots of phosphate, it's a bit of a b*****r as they have to give it really slowly so you really have to drink lots, which is really hard when you feel so sick. I'd banished all visitors except hubby by this stage, didn't want anyone to see me in that state! No hair, running to the loo, throwing up generally yuk. Just keep remembering it is only a few days more, the neutrophils are on the up and he will feel better.
    Love Helen ( still coughing 😉 )



    HI Vicky,
    Good news about Colin, I had the rash too on my back which drove me mad for a while, but much better now. Good luck with the sickness, it's the worst thing.
    The race is on then to see who can get out first!!! 🙂 On your marks…..
    Best wishes from us both,

    Chris and Lena x



    Hi Vicky and Colin…good news on the neutrofil no's increasing …not long now before you will all be home ( hopefully)…I remember being sent home when mine reached 0.5 and I felt really really ill…but after week at home I felt somewhat better and the corner had turned…good luck to you both…stay safe…Phil and Jan



    Hi Vicky and Wide awake Colin 😀

    Its Going Good you two (even though it dunt feel it or look it) the Dr wouldn't say "Home at week end" if he thought it was not a Doable 😉 If I remember correcltly I was still Ill a day or two before i was shipped off home and was even sick in toilet the day I came home (i dint tell them) but took anti sick tabs home and used them for some time after :-S

    Take care and stay well (ish) Colin the real well will be when you get home My Friends 😎

    Love to you both
    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Hi Vicki and Colin

    My Mum was still quite ill from both ends (if you know what I mean) when they let her home. So as Tom said they must think its possible for the weekend. Its the homestretch now, nearly done:-)

    Love Ali xx



    Tom I have to say it,you are as bad as Slim,

    Slim was being sick and I went out to the desk and spoke to the doctor who said he could go home,as long as he was not sick, mhhhhhhhhhhhh.He had told her he was not being sick earlier,I told her," he tells lies",who did she believe,An ex marine who could look you in the face and lie.

    I rest my case these naive young doctors do not stand a chance,Eve



    Hi Vicki & Colin

    Janet was with me for the Mephalan but then felt a cold coming on which turned into something akin to man flu… either way it meant she could bring in vital supplies to the nurse's station but no further… I didn't want to see anyone else so I set out for my SCT on my own. Janet was declared fit and well the day after my 0.1 so she missed the Lord Mayor's show… and I was so glad she did. :-S

    I remember about four days after I'd 'bottomed out'… I was in the bathroom and I looked in the mirror… It looked like someone had put my skin over my head after it had been in too hot a wash… stretched, gaunt, grey… it was a mask that had no signs of life, even though someone was poking and pulling at the mask and making faces to the mirror. I was frightened and fascinated but I wasn't scared. I was in for the long haul and my mantra 'Whatever It Takes' was still strong and vibrant… so fascination won over fear and I enjoyed my face pulling exercises which I held several times a day (in between my SCT Olympic events… which were diverting and highly popular in my out-blog).8-)

    Rashes, platelet blips, itches, scratches, tummy upsets etc., are all small distractions… Colin will soon be home and you will be at his beck and call for a few days while he finds his feet and his confidence. After that is when the discipline and resolve has to kick in. Vetoing visitors, watching his diet, keeping his head up with an eye on the long-term prize. 😀

    There are no quick fixes, no quack medicines, tablets, herbs or spices… just months of getting better ever so slowly… and by May or so he should resemble a human being of the second order, with another couple of months to full fitness, The middle of next Summer sounds like a good time to be feeling as fit as you have felt for a few years. Sunshine on his shoulders and a smile on your face…. embrace it and go for it. 😎



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