Colin SCT starting, here goes!!! :-)

This topic contains 113 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi Vicki
    The steroids more often than not do provide a response & immediate relief of pain & inflamation whatever the cause, so until there is a much firmer diagnosis, please try to not worry too much. From what Colin has endured there could be a number of contributory factors to the inflamation & discomfort and I hope all turns out well. I'm sure you will both feel much better once he is finally home, so fingers tightly crossed for you both tomorrow.



    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Well I did Goofle it Lol (I had ti LOL0 and it seems to be the same thing I get 🙁 just had a Ultrasound on right shoulder/arm last week.
    Had this discomfort/pain for nearly a year now?? Xray showed up nothing lets see what Scan throws up Eh.

    I hope the roids work and he is not having infections one after the other, Hope Colin gets home today and stays put, dont forget to ask Nurse for a takeaway for when Colin pines for the food Lol.

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Hey Tom! Lol, can't believe youve got that pain too 🙁

    Well we are home :-), have been since 330pm, had supper, col asleep and me not relaxed waiting for the next issue!. Steroids seem to have worked a fair bit.. Colin has been very emotional since being home and weve both had a few tears!. He said it felt strange to be hear? Did you guys feel like that too?

    I so hope al goes well, and we remain in our home allowing Colin to recuperate! And get back to wellness!. Those steroids not only batter the pain but his blood results have rocketed. His neutrophils were 4.7 or something, which it can't have gone up that far from like 0.7!, so in the absence of anything to worry about at the hospital I'll now worry about the steroids! :-/

    Best to all

    Vicki and Colin, who is asleep and I must resist tAking his temperature a 100 times!



    Hi Vikki
    Well done, a mile stone at last, hope he stays there! Yes it's a bit of a funny thing coming home, I got very down after a few days too, I think it was to do with all the hype before hand, then you sit there …… and sleep….. and think……..then you decide ' I will go and make some tea' and you get back to bed/ sofa and find just doing it has nearly finished you off. The tiredness can be crushing afterwards. And the loneliness even when there are people there. I don't think it is easy to put into words the feelings of insult to the system that you've just experienced. You can't quite believe how ill you are, especially as you were never that ill to start with! You actually consented to let them make you feel this way. Getting out to walk round the block for 15 minutes every day feels like a Himalayan trek. All wrapped up and tired with a capital K when you get back. I thought I should be sponsored to walk round the block sometimes, just to give me some incentive.
    I'm really glad you've got this far. I hope Col keeps going ' on and up ' to quote another!

    Hehe Tom, yes you, I had my back and shoulder xrayed last week too, I think it's a frozen shoulder but they said they'd better make sure, fingers crossed. ( means I get off carrying the suitcases and the shopping, always a silver lining:-) )
    Love Helen



    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Whoop Whoop! I do hope you manage to keep him at home this time:-)

    I remember the day Dad picked Mum up, I raced round only to see Mum sitting on the sofa looking so small and frail, but so grateful to be home. We both cried and hugged we were so relieved – oops just made myself cry at the memory.(Hubby looking – he thinks ive gone mad im sure!)

    I can just imagine you sticking the thermometer in Colins ear whilst he is asleep:-)

    Love to you both Ali xx



    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Well I am thinking Colin is still home? and as for getting Home when I got home 16th December 2009 around about 6.30 pm (not that i remember it much lol) but I was worried and scared? (yep a hairy as Docker) I knew I was OK (even though i was sick before I came home) but it was Just missing the Nurse the consultant and the hospital seemed so far away and yes i was scared :-/ BUT am here to tell you thats Normal not only for me but for my young bride also, it soon wore off and yes we still woryy a bit when i get (well av never lost it really) a cough or temp but am sure its something the Consultant cad sort out as and when 😎

    What is going on in your and Colin's mind is Normal as much as we try we cant stop the worry, I worry about worrying about not worrying (now sort that one out Ha ha)

    Hope you are both still doing as good as can be at the moment as am sure its on the way to a good remission 😎

    Love and Hugs
    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx and not worrying about spellings lol xxxx



    Hi Helen

    Frozen shoulder the only frozen shoulder i get is from the young bride Elaine if i want to leave the pub early Ha ha, good luck on the results Helen

    Love Tom

    PS Ps Vicki and Colin

    As and when Colin decides to go for that walk let me say the same as Helen the walk no matter how short and how slow it will take it out of you Colin, I was lent a shooting stick (A stick with a fold up seat on the top) and during my walk I used to prop it open and have a wee sit (yep I said Sit) that shooting stick was a godsend for a month or two.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" now stick free 😎



    Hi Vicky
    So glad to see you have Colin home at last. Take each day as it comes I am sure you will both get through the ups and downs.
    He has certainly been through the worst now.

    take care

    Jacquie & Geoff x



    Hi Vicky and Colin,
    So pleased that you have finally got Colin home again, it is pretty overwhelming after being stuck in one clinical room for a month, not far short of being in prison really when there is no chance of escaping! I just loved being back under my own roof, but felt a bit vulnerable for a while.
    I am sure you will pamper him, and get those cells really growing back at double speed!
    I have been overdoing it a bit, and paid the price today with an aching back and went to sleep on the sofa at tea time, wondered what had happened when I woke up in the middle of Antiques Road Trip! My target is to put some weight back on, I lost 5kg's. Lenas cooking is fab, so I am tucking in as much as I can.
    It's a great feeling knowing that the big treatment is behind you, I can hardly believe it, when for the last year it has been on my mind as as sort of mountain in the distance that has to be climbed.
    Well done you two, it has been hard for you, but now we can all hope for a fast recovery and a long remission. 🙂
    Best wishes from Chris and Lena xx



    Hi Colin & Vicki ,

    As Ali so rightly put it Whoop, Whoop…. and do you know what? Whizzee!

    When Janet brought me home she went into mode and treated me the same as any other time that I had been 'inside'. She put me in my chair, made sure I was comfortable, then went out to get my bag and bits, switching on the kettle on her way out. 🙂

    I remember looking around me… everything seemed the same but there was no feeling of institutionalisation… out lounge is a different shape but overall bigger than Room 19. The difference was the views from the window. From my hospital window I looked out over the front of the hospital… beyond the disabled car park to the lawns and paddock of what I imagine was once a cricket club. It was green, spacious and for someone stuck in a room for the best part of a month, quite lovely. 😀

    The view at home was quite different. We have a pair of double, full height sliding windows in our lounge which gives access to our back (side) garden. It was early April and our garden reflected all the plants and bushes of early spring. When I had left home for hospital and my SCT the garden was almost naked… now it seemed full of the promise of life and the significance of the flowers, plants and buds was not lost on me. 😉

    Then I burst into tears. Janet was on her way in with a tray of all things tea and biscuits and she quickly put down the tray to comfort me. She made all the right noises of reassurance and told me I would not be left alone unless I was either asleep or by personal request. She cooed and clucked and asked me if I was feeling overwhelmed… I said that yes, I was but that was not why I was crying… so she asked me what it was that had made me cry… I tried drying my eyes and pointed out of the window to the platforms around our bird feeders. 🙂

    Mr & Mrs Robin, who had both been with us all winter, were taking turns to collect their seeds and I had not seem them for a week or so before I went in. Their presence made me cry… it really made me feel that I was home. I had a cup of tea, admired but avoided the biscuits and sat there waiting for the Antiques Road Trip to start… a programme we often enjoy together, it also works as an alarm clock reminder (we have to be home by 5.15pm for Dai's injection etc). But I felt small and lost and Janet just said 'Bed?' and I nodded and then I was home. 😎

    Take it easy… but take it. 😀 😎 🙂





    That was a lovely post, I imagined it all as it conjured up a lovely image of you and Janet :-). Colin said it all seemed very strange and even now……yep we are still at home!, colin will look at the birds, wander around the house and basically value it all as a new beginning.

    Ali, is there a web cam at home… did you know I stuck said thermometer in whilst he was asleep!

    Tom you are right,at the moment I am feeling very watchful and looking for any issues, I'm still struggling to relax and stil worried but am sure each day that goes by more confidence will be found in both our cases. We haven't ventured out yet as it's been too wet but we are hoping to get a walk in to the end of the cul de sac, or at least when we see the SCT nurse on Thursday. And yes Helen we will need to be both wrapped up as it's getting colder, weird for both of us being at home together

    Jacqui thanks for your good wishes, what stage are you guys at?

    Best to all,

    Vicki and yep colins asleep, it's that time of day 🙂



    Hi Colin & Vicki

    Yes Dai and his post had me shedding a tear or two, dai you went same as I but you put it so Calm and clear you are a great Man with words al give you that 🙂
    Right tear over 😀

    Back to you two V and C and yes you both deserve the VC after what you both have been through, but I hope I aint tempting fate But I think Colin you are an Onwards and Onwards way now 😎 stick with it and a few iccle walks will do some good but please dont expect too much for a month or two.
    One Step at a Time.

    :ove Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hello vicki & Colin,

    Wonderful news vicki having Colin home it's just the best, I know when kev came home it was a bit scary for him and you both
    But there's nowhere better than your own home comforts it did kev the world of good.
    Long may Colin continue getting stronger keep well both of you.

    Love liz & kev xx



    Hi Vicki & Colin.
    What great news having Colin home. Vicki tie him to the chair we don't want him to wander off back to the hospital any time soon. I know you'll be keeping a close eye on Colin Vicki make sure he doesn't try to run before he can walk. You must have mixed emotions having home elation and worry but I'm sure the worry will fade with each passing hour. Don't forget about yourself Vicki you need to take care of yourself too.
    All the best.
    Andy & Steph xx



    Hi Vicki and Colin,

    I have been following your posts and just wanted to say well done to you both, great news that Colin is back home. My Mum is far too old at 83 for SCT for her myeloma but it is really interesting to read about the process and hear about good outcomes.

    Hope it has stopped raining for you and that you are able to go for a walk together soon, my hubby and I walk together a couple of miles every day and it does make you feel better even in the cold weather.

    Take care,

    Jill x

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