Hi there
I remember the constipation well, it can be so painful and debilitating. If it gets too bad then I would phone the hospital for advice, I had to do this and whilst it was embarrassing it was such a relief when they did help me. If it’s manageable then I can highly recommend drinking a glass of prune juice every morning. The other really important thing is lots of water especially before and after the velcade injections.
Hi jbal
I only suffered from constipation once and when I had my stem cells harvested the nurse recommended a product called Movicol. I took the recommended dose and sat on the toilet for a few hours that night and when I weighed myself the next morning had lost 3 pounds in weight!! All I can say is be careful what you take to sort out the constipation. I wish you well in the future.
I have always had constipation whilst on Lenalidomide, but can avoid it with careful use of cosmical, a stool softener. Eventually I worked out that I need 3/4 sachet daily in a 22 day cycle, starting the night before the lenalidomide cycle.