Hello everyone,
I had the Oxford AZ vaccine in mid February. I had a temperature for 36 hours, a mild headache and fatigue for about 3 days. It’s frustrating that there is no real way (yet, that I know of) for measuring the effectiveness of the vaccine in those of us living with Myeloma but it does feel vaguely comforting to have had it. I think it will feel better still after the second dose in early May.
At the time of vaccination, I was not on any active treatment – just Zoledronic Acid infusions – but I had my second SCT in back in July 2020 so my immune system is still trying to find its feet.
Tomorrow I have an appointment with my consultant and I’m hoping he will give me guidance on what the end of Shielding might look like i.e. will there be a lot of difference in what it will be safe to do? I am suspecting that summer may be more sociable outdoors and that a more reclusive life will be necessary in the winter until the virus is maybe completely eradicated.
Has anyone else been given any good advice?
Best wishes to all for getting vaccinated,