
This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  susantr 4 years, 1 month ago.

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    I was at the London meeting of the Myeloma UK early this year and at the questions and answers part tere was a lady in the audience that said she had been told there wass nothing more they could do for her so she went to a doctor who prescribed curcumin and she has been cancer free for 4 years

    Dont know if anyone on the forum was there but I didnt catch the name of the docotor she was under

    Can anyone help ? Did anyone rememberthe name




    This sounds really interested and I  am sure a lot of us would like the details. Could you contact Myeloma UK to see if anyone took minutes on the day?



    There was also a lady on Radio 4’s food programme who sounds like the same one. You can download the pod cast from BBC online. I’ve put my hubby on  Curcumin capsules with an added ingredient to aid absorption. Every little helps!



    I have been taking a large dose of Curcumin every day for many years now. Make sure you get the complex with Black Pepper to help absorption. Taking half the dose am & half pm also works better. A good read is also HOW NOT TO DIE by Michael Greger, MD & Gene Stone.
    ( 2005 Allo Transplant at age 44 …… Living well 13 years on )

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  bajabell.


    Hi Richard.

    I’ve just started taking curcumin in the hope it will keep my PP’s at their present level.
    You say you have been taking large doses of curcumin, can you tell me what dose you’re taking, and where you get high dose curcumin. It’s a real minefield finding the exact curcumin dose, instead of turmeric strength.

    Best wishes




    The woman whose case was reported in the BMJ is Dienneke Ferguson. I believe she takes 8g of Curcurmin with bioperine daily.



    Hi there
    Can anyone tell me what curcumin to buy and from where

    Thank you



    Hi Linda
    Take a look at Margaret’s Corner (living with Myeloma). She has a wealth of knowledge you can tap into. I take 8g a day Drs Best C3 complex with bioprine. Hope this helps.

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