
This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  duncan58 11 months ago.

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    Does anyone take this supplement? What brand please?




    Hi Znab,
    The curcumin used by Dienneke Ferguson, whose response was written up in the British Medical Journal (A. Zaidi 2017) was Drs Best c3 complex with bioperine (black pepper, which aids absorption). The company make 500mg and 1000mg doses. Dienneke used 8g daily, so used the 1000mg dose.
    Dienneke died in about 2020, but not from myeloma despite her being told that she had run out of treatment options about 10 years earlier.
    She also used hyperbaric oxygen treatment which may have had an effect on her myeloma too.
    Dienneke followed a long term (18 year) Smoldering Myeloma patient who has a health blog called Margaret’s Corner that may be worth reading, either Facebook, or just search “Margaret’s Corner”.
    I attended a zoom myeloma patient support group last week which had Dr Urvi Shah speaking. She is a US myeloma specialist doing research into diet. Although she advised against the use of most supplements, she said there is some evidence curcumin can help (& vitamin D & vitamin B12).
    I’ve been using Dr Best curcumin, with my consultant’s knowledge, for 5 years alongside conventional induction then maintenance treatments. I started using curcumin before starting induction treatment. Looking back at my results I see that my pps had been rapidly increasing over a period of 4 months while I was being diagnosed. I had an initial dramatic drop of 30% after starting curcumin, then the pps stabilised. However I felt too concerned about potential bone damage to risk continuing to watch & wait.
    Curcumin seems to be something some myeloma patients benefit from, but probably not all.
    The Drs Best is very expensive in UK, but if you know anyone visiting from USA it can be bought there for half the price and can be legally brought into this country.



    Thank you Mulberry 🙂



    Really interesting – thanks Jane. Dad’s struggling with second and third line treatments to maintain PP levels. We get them down then they just creep back up again which is frustrating given how successful first line treatment was. Worth asking his consultant if he’s ok to take this alongside see if it helps. Thanks! xx



    Hi Znab

    After one line of treatment I was told I was in remission in January although my pps were 7.7. They had been going down very slowly with the treatmenet (VCD) – about 0.2 / 0.4 per month. After two months without treatment they had gone up by 4.1 to 11.8. That was when I started taking curcumin, in March. My consultant said it would do no harm but he thought it would do no good. First I got Health Spark Curcumin C3 Complex 60 Capsules from Holland and Barrett. I have finished these and then got Super Curcumin from Super Botanic, which seemed to be a bit cheaper. In the two months March – May my pps only went up 0.6, which seems to be a great improvement. I have got some hypercalcaemia now though and light chains; this may well be just coincidence.



    A postscript to my previous post: I haven’t got accurate detailed data, but it seems that the Health Spark curcumin C3 complex that I got from H&B works better then the stuff I bought online.



    Thank you – I haven’t started taking the curcumin yet, even though I’ve brought some! Takes me a while to get in to a routine.



    Good luck Znab. I should be interested to hear how you get on.



    Be careful to check with your consultant that it’s okay to take curcumin while on treatment. I had to stop taking it when I started treatment as there is some evidence that it can affect the effectiveness of the drugs.




    Hi snag
    Check with your medical team if your taking aspirin, I was advised to stop taking it due to issues with thinners and high dose turmeric
    Hope that helps



    Sorry znab flaming auto correct 😂

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