Hi robbojnn,
I like you have been having endless problems with my teeth and gums since my sct, though you sound to have worse, I know I am on my way, they get worse by the day. I too get a bit of esa, but be careful what box you tick, I ticked the box (it is very confusing), my dentist gave me a deep cllean and waivered (sp) the cost (approx £50, for check up and clean), this was back in February. A few weeks later, I got a fine of £100! plus the outstanding £50 for treatment!! This was very upsetting as I intended NO fraud. I went to the Citizens Advice and they appealed on my behalf, on the grounds that I found the form misleading etc. I won the appeal but had to pay the £50 for treatment. The lady at CAB said myeloma patients’s should get free or help with dentist care, but it seems we do not!! (Given that the treatment for myeloma ruins teeth and gums, Zometta does not help either!
I had a check up 2 weeks ago, as she sees me every 3 months, I told my dentist about the fine, and she said she did not realise either that there was 2 types of ESA! So be very careful about that box.
It is appalling that we do not get help with dental costs, it needs somehow highlighting. I will mention to my consultant on my next clinic.
Good luck with your teeth and battle, take care
Karen x