Diagnosed this week

This topic contains 33 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  ange 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi Ted

    That is encouraging to know, good luck with your appointment and thank you for the information.

    All the best




    All went well yesterday ,light chains still light ,PP still PPing,so another 3 months reprieve, had to have an X-ray for back pain but they dont think it is MM ,but maybe to do with a bowel problem. I was very pleased that I got an X-ray stright away and didn;t have to think about it for several weeks ,they are very good. They checked my telephone number and they will ring me if there is any problem with the X-ray or blood results,I think thats very reassuring. Ted.



    Hi Ted

    Well done that Man another three months doing good, keep it up and hope Xray is just put down to "Middle" Age 😉

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hi Ted

    Excellent news, glad all okay for you and hope the x-ray is alright too.

    Best wishes



    Hi ted,

    Great news for you….keep that mm at bay.

    Hi Kevin and ange, my partner Colin was diagnosed October 2011 and as I have said many times a complete bolt out of the blue. I still find it hard to come to terms with sometimes, and colins the one with mm!. That said the hospital staff at Glos royal have been great. There is no doubt that at the moment life is different but the treatment has caused an excellent response and we are awaiting a stem cell transplant near the end of september and then in time, returning to a new normal?, good luck to you both, with your treatment. If there are any questions we can help you with please ask. :-). 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Vicki

    Thank you for your kind message and good luck to you and Colin with the stem cell transplant.

    Best wishes
    Andrea x



    Hi Ange
    Just wanted to welcome you although I am so sorry that we all have to meet this way. I was diagnosed in 2005 and after chemotherapy and stem cell transplant I have recuperated quite well and am back doing most of the things I used to. Hope this gives you some encouragement.
    This is a great site with such lovely people who are always willing to share their knowledge and personal experience so please do ask whatever you wish as I am sure there will be someone who knows at least a little about it. When I felt unwell before my transplant this site was also very, very supportive when I felt a bit "down" and didn´t want to burden my family any more than they already were.

    Kind regards



    So glad to hear that things are going well.

    Take care and very best wishes




    Hi Carol

    Nice to meet you too. Thank you for your kind message. This whole journey is going to be alot easier with other people to talk to here.

    With best wishes



    Hi Andrea

    My name is Alison and its my Mum with MM (shes 58), I just wanted to "welcome"? you to the forum. I have found all the people on here so friendly and willing to share their experiences, its made the whole thing much more bearable:-)

    Good luck on your journey and lets hope you carry on smouldering for a long time yet.

    Love Ali xx



    Hi Ali

    Thank you for your lovely message. It's good there are so many people here to share experiences.

    Andea xx



    Dear Andrea, Just thought i would let you know that we have a very active Myeloma Support Group in Cardiff. Quite a number of people who come to our group live in Newport and attend the Gwent.
    If you would like to phone/email or come to one of our meetings, you would be very welcome. Our details are on the website under Support Groups- Cardiff.
    Best wishes.



    Hi Jenny

    Thank you for your message and kind invitation. I would love to come to one of your meetings soon. It would be great to meet up with local people.

    Many thanks



    Dear Andrea, Our next meeting is on 13th Sept 7pm. If you would like to give me a ring i can give you more details. Also you can ask MUK if you can be added to our S.G mailing list then you will be kept in touch with what is going on. Look forward to meeting you.



    Hi All

    I was quite surprised today at clinic that my pp has fallen from 37.1 to 34.5. Is it common to fluctuate like this? The downside was that my hb is falling each time and is now 10.3. I am still being kept on 4 weekly follow up.

    Andrea x

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