Dry Skin

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  scott9 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    I notice in several posts that people mention dry skin. I suffered badly from dry skin, on my legs, before and during my SCT. Whilst in hospital they called the Dermatologist Consultant to have a look. Not only were the legs very, very dry there was a sort of big blue/red patch, about 2/3 inches across on each leg ? strangely enough in the same place on both legs. They were also very itchy where the dryness was.

    They proscribed Epaderm Ointment and it works very well. I try to rub it on most mornings but if I forget for a couple of days and my legs get dry I just plaster it on and the itching stops.



    Hi David,

    My legs exploded after my pulmonary embolism back in may '08 and they put me on Warfarin. My legs eventually returned to normal but I was left with very dry skin on my legs, especially my heels, complete with matching patches that have never gone away. When my DVT reappeared this summer the dry skin returned free of charge, again especially on and around my heels. I find that Cocoa Body Butter (suggested by someone on the forum) eases the soreness and the dryness… I have never heard of Epaderm Ointment but I will enquire next time I see my GP.

    Thanks 🙂




    That is interesting I had a DVT and a following PE about 3 years ago. As it happened I had to go to a chiropodist some months later and she comented on my very dry feet and ankles.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    I've started to get dry skin and the specialist seemed pretty relaxed about it. I guess it is fairly common. He just told me to use E45 cream which I do. It hasn't cured it but at least there isn't a shower of dead skin whenever I take off my clothes now. My wife had to keep hoovering up wherever I went!

    All the best


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