Education Needed

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  eve 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #109410


    Hi Everbody

    Has anybody noticed sometimes when trying to post it comes up inappropriate language!!!!! its happened to me twice,I have read the post again and thought what have I said,!!!!
    The word they disliked was h-e-l-l used as[you might think who the -h-e-l-l is eve]in Roz post.
    Thought i would tell you case anyone else is having problems posting
    I thought I was using swear words when my first post was scrubbed
    So folks watch your p&q.:-P
    love eve



    Hi Eve

    I found out it did this months ago, so instead I start saying the word and put down *** to finish off, thats the only way.
    It won't even take it in jokes I've tried.




    Hi Roz
    I feel like a naughty school girl,the first time i thought what an earth have I said,because I do not swear normally,I was upset by the whole thing,and thought,have i offended someone.
    The second one ,was saying H-e-l-l.Tom told me how to get round it,but you have to question ,who would find it offensive
    Glad you seem more upbeat Roz,think good thought,eve

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