Free light chains – units of measurement?


This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    When people are quoting numbers for their free light chains in threads on this forum, what unit of measurement is being used? I see some high numbers being given, but I don’t know if they are comparable to the numbers my doctors are mentioning to me, because the units are not given.

    Also, is there perhaps a mistake in the numbers I have been quoted from my doctor, because I’ve been told my blood tests came back with IGG kappa light chains at 19g/l. When I Google, I see free light chains are normally quoted in mg/l or mg/dl, so 19 g/l would become a huge number if converted to those units.

    I’m confused and a bit concerned that I don’t know how high my 19 number really is.

    Ps. I’m currently undiagnosed, have been told I may have myeloma or amyloidosis



    Pps. How high are kappa light chains normally in myeloma at the time of diagnosis?



    Just to add to this, I was also told my lamda number was under 1, which was normal. This makes me think my doctor is likely using mg/dl and perhaps the high numbers I see on this forum are in mg/l?



    Hi Medby

    I cant answer your questions as I am very new and going through the process of finding out things but I just wanted to say Hi and pass you this information that I found online which was very helpful indeed from the NHS York hospital. – copy and paste into your browser

    How are you feeling now, have you been confirmed as Myeloma?




    My light chains were measured in mg/l. The normal ranges are quoted as follows:
    Lambda 5.71-26.3, kappa 3.3 – 19.4, kappa/lambda ratio 0.26-1.64

    There is a useful myeloma Uk leaflet ‘tests and investigations in myeloma’.

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