When the Doctor told Stephen that they could not do a second SCT he said that an unrelated allogenic SCT was too much of a risk. At the time I was shocked that there were no more of Stephen's own cells stored as I remember very clearly that they got loads on one go. Stephen even asked if some could be given to anybody else. As the poor lady in the next bed was on her 5th attempt to get enough cells for an SCT to help with her hodgkins
Dr S was so surprised how shocked I was that there were no more he asked for it to be checked again. He has discovered that there are more, about 7 million per whatever amount of blood they measure it by and phoned to let us know. It is still not known if it will improved the time frame but Dr S said that it gave more options for treatment
You can imagine how hopeful and relieved we are.
To all you lovely lot that posted over this my heartfelt gratitude for your thoughts and support, especially to those whose own news is not too good.
You are all a huge source of support and friendship
A very happy Gill xxx