From Devastaion to Elation

This topic contains 14 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Amelie 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    When the Doctor told Stephen that they could not do a second SCT he said that an unrelated allogenic SCT was too much of a risk. At the time I was shocked that there were no more of Stephen's own cells stored as I remember very clearly that they got loads on one go. Stephen even asked if some could be given to anybody else. As the poor lady in the next bed was on her 5th attempt to get enough cells for an SCT to help with her hodgkins

    Dr S was so surprised how shocked I was that there were no more he asked for it to be checked again. He has discovered that there are more, about 7 million per whatever amount of blood they measure it by and phoned to let us know. It is still not known if it will improved the time frame but Dr S said that it gave more options for treatment

    You can imagine how hopeful and relieved we are.

    To all you lovely lot that posted over this my heartfelt gratitude for your thoughts and support, especially to those whose own news is not too good.

    You are all a huge source of support and friendship

    A very happy Gill xxx



    Hi Gill
    You must be over the moon,I am so glad for you both,never,never give up hope,we do not know what is round the corner:-)
    It does make you think,were would you be,if the conversation about how much stem cells were taken last time?
    Enjoy this lovely weather and have a lovely Easter .eve



    Brilliant news Gill, Im very pleased for you both,



    Great news Gill, Tell Stephen to go for it and never mind the bl88dy torpedoes he he 😀 .

    Kindest regards




    Hi Gill

    thank goodness!! where there is life there is hope, dont let anyone take your hope away!!

    have a wonderful easter

    sarah xx



    That is the best news that I have heard in a long time. (since Shirley's news) I am so very pleased for you both. It's so good that you questioned the ones in the "know", a lot of people would take what the professionals say as "gospel" My very best to you and Stephen and have a BILLIANT weekend.

    Love Jean xx



    Hi Gill thats blooming brilliant!!! See there is always a silver lining ! Now you can have a lovely weekend relaxing in the sun love to you and Stephen Bridget x



    Thanks for all your lovely posts. I have been walking around with a huge smile ever since. We were told that there is no guarantee that a second will help. But it is a chance. We are determined to make the most of whatever comes.

    Happy Easter to All Gill xxx

    PS for those that don't know (or remember) The reason for the expression on our faces in the photo is just as the camera shutter went off Stephen pinched my bum!!! Sunshine like today always reminds me of that and yes the cheeky so and so still pinches it sometimes:-)



    Hi Gill

    Yippee wonderful news hope you have a happy easter I expect you will now

    Love jO 😎



    Well here is to years of bum pinching 😎

    My mantra of 'Whatever It Takes' is a bit dated for stage 2 so I've come up with a new one… 'I'm Not Dead Yet' – a reminder to myself and a message to all those who are smiling wanly and waving me goodbye. I imagine stage 3 will be 'I'm Still Here' and with pompom and other drugs on or in the pipeline I'm hoping for a few further stages and a few more mantras.

    Love to you both – I'd love to meet up sometime… and with Bridget, David,Gale, Min, Tom, Jo and the rest of the crew..





    I am not dead yet sounds good to me Dai Although in my case stage 3 will be " Are you still here?" !! It would be great if we could all arrange to meet sometime in the future , we share such a close bond on here it would be lovely to meet the people behind the posts ! love Bridget x



    Thats great news,hope all goes well for Stephen,i'll be keeping a watch out to see how he's doing take care and be strong x Shirls x



    Hello Dia

    Poms Poms and bells we have to fight to live which is what us friends on this site are doing it would be great to meet everyone I think we may all be a bit spead out we need a central point, keep up the fight Dia how about another poem I used to look forward to them

    Love Jo8-)



    Thats fantastic new Gill, big hugs and loves to you both.

    with much love michelle x x x



    Just read your other thread – this is great news!!!

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