Good News X Two

This topic contains 35 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  Amelie 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hey Tom and Elaine,

    Glad to see you are both having a great time. You must be posh people…..drinks and nuts! LoL.:-)

    Have a great weekend

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Yep both having a great time, got up early to pck up two grandkids for a sleep over at Grandma and Granddads house 😀

    And am sure you and Colin dont have a drink with no nuts?

    Hope you have a great week end

    From Two Posh Nut eating folk 😎



    Great News.

    Enjoy your drinks, and have a good time, both of you




    So pleased to hear your news Good luck yo you both
    Love from Gill xxx



    Tom amd Elaine,

    Also glad to hear you both have had good news. Enjoy the days!

    Love to you both.

    Mavis x



    Hello Tom and Elaine

    What great news for you both! I agree nuts with a few drinks sounds good to me, at the moment I'm drinking on my own as kev is alcohol free for the time being ( not happy) but not feeling like it anyway, so I will say cheers to you both and a very happy birthday for tomorrow!

    P.s. its deffinetly onwards & upwards, CHEERS!!!

    Love liz & kev xx:-)



    Hi Tom

    Don't know how I've missed this joyous thread!!! (I'm getting lost and missing posts…guess I'm truly an old woman!)

    Well done you two, trust you are still celebrating your double whammy plus had a good time with the grandchildren. They really give you a lift don't they – my energy seems to rush back when I see them so they are good medicine for me. By the way, my youngest (the only lad) has a great name….Tom!!

    Love to you both



    Thanks you all 😀

    These Post's have surely gave The Old Woman and I a boost 😎 and for that we thank you 😎

    Tina Copious amount of drinks has been drunk 🙂
    And Thank You Gill it is great news 😀 , And Mavis you know by now we will enjoy the days ;-).

    Liz and Kev many thanks, and yes Nuts with drink is good for you, shame about Kev not drinking? I only stopped the drink when I was having my growth injections 😛 and thank you for my birthday wishes;-)

    Hi Rosie, Well I am the same I miss posts that often am not sure when the last time I came on here :-S and I put that down to getting near (not at it lol) old age He he, we had a great time with the grandkids this week end and yes they make you feel a lot better 😀 energy levels are high but soon drop when they have gone home and soon ready for bed Lol (me not the kids) and as for your young Tom yes he has a great name 😎 its Cool and Strong 🙂

    Many Thanks to you all

    Love to you and have a great week

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" and his Old Woman (Elaine) xx



    HI Tom

    Such fantastic news for you both! Bet you have had a super weekend! Happy Birthday for tomorrow.

    Love Alison x



    Hi Alison

    And that it is and Thank you for the Birthday Wishes 😎

    Hows you coping??

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Happy Belated Birthday to You, Tom, and congratulations to both you and Elaine on your double great news too!!

    4 months between appointments is splendid!! I am only up to 3 months, so need to go some to catch you up 😉

    Keep on keeping on!




    Thank you Eliz, and its great news. I aksed Elaine's Consultant if the pill she has to take for 5 years ( next year will be the 5th) and got a letter today from another cosultant for July to ask about treatment after the 5th all clear.

    Aways feel better if the Young Bride is checked out at least yearly 🙂

    Love Tom and Elaine "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Tom
    I missed this one too, really great news for both of you. Nice to get double good news, and birthday wishes;-)
    Love Helen



    Hi Tom

    So pleased to hear your good news, missed your original post!!!

    Take care

    Ann and Pete



    Hi Tom & Elaine,

    Have only just seen your post but wanted to say that's fantastic news for you both! So chuffed for u and long may it continue 😀

    Few voddys have been in order I reckon 😉

    Love n hugs to u both Lorraine xxxx

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