Hair Hair I could not agree more – sorry could not resist it.
I am on my second lot of hair now. My hair has been very thin all my life so I was quite surprised when people noticed when I lost my first lot. I now have my hair back again although I notice it has not come back under my armpits this time nor has the five hairs I had on my manly chest returned, which made me weep a bit (I use to grow them long and I combed them across my chest just below my gold medalion). But, on my head it did come back thicker and darker the second time.
I am now going through treatment for Advanced Prostate Cancer and I am told that I will lose my hair yet again. Mind you I am not really worried about that it is the large breasts that I might grow with the hormone treatment that worries me. (the wife told me the other day that she has stopped throwing out her old bras for me ? not much sympathy there then!).
Kindest regards ? vasbyte