Help with memory please

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    Stephen is back in treatment after relapsing after 17 months he is going for radiotherapy all next week (great xmas present:-)) and already has a bucket load of tablets including very large doses of dex.

    He has anti sickness pills and has no nausea but the other end is becoming a problem (weak tummied readers look away)He has said it is like passing liquid acid and he is bleeding.

    He is also experiencing night sweats and getting very hot during the day although no tempreature. We do not remember if it happened during the last round of treatment and, although Stephen has this illness, he still would rather wait for his regular appointment in a week or so than phone the specialist now (bloody men).

    Does anyone know (or remember) if the above symptoms are common to the medication or should I be nagging him to phone Dr S right away. I am concerned and know that DR S always asks if Stephen has experienced bleeding when we go to see him.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts you may have Love from Gill xx



    Gill – RT is certainly no walk in the park but I can't remember experiencing the side effects you mention. I imagine much depends on where they are targeting with the RT but it all sounds very unpleasant and Stephen shouldn't have to experience this. I know you have a tough one in Stephen but I think this is where your nagging powers must come in.
    Let us know how you get on. It does sound horrible.
    Love, Gaye x



    Hi Gill, I would give Dr S a call. There is no reason for Stephen to suffer this, also you need some reassurance. Any bleedig needs to be investigated. Let us know how it goes.Love from Marion



    Hey Gill

    From a mere MALE and you must show Stephen this? ::::::::

    If anyone that has MM and stephen you do M8 🙁 so if it hurts contact the consultant, if it feels differant contact the consultant and if it bleeds Get in Fast.

    And you may print this off and show Stephen this as me just being a "Mere Male" says if in any doubt get it checked M8.

    One "Onwards and Upwards" Tom




    I know how it is with a husband on treatment again.
    Its all too easy to forget how it was, you dont mention what his treatment is apart from dex, and anti sickness. New medications that he is not used to will have new side effects. Peter was found to have bleeding haemoroids at the outset needed the darn camera up there to find out it was easily treated.
    If it were Peter with Stephens symptoms [b]I[/b] would be on the phone for him. Bleeding may be irritation from a variety of causes, but it cannot be ignored even for a short time. Better be safe than sorry Gill.



    Hi Gill poor Stephen his symptoms sound horrible and I agree with everyone that a call to the doctor would be useful Why oh why are men so stoic, no-one should have to put up with side-effects like that , if nothing else they will weaken him Hope you get some answers soon and Stephen gets some relief love Bridget x

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