High Myeloma Incidence

This topic contains 47 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  dickb 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #118657


    Hallo Leza, I started this thread following meeting several ex work mates at the Myeloma clinic, all from the maintenance dept. where we worked over the same span of time. Considering the stated rarity of Myeloma occurring, this seemed to me – and remember this is due to chance encounters, nothing formal – more than a statistical blip which is why I commented on it. As you questioned, will anyone ever investigate and refine the research needed ?
    Hope all goes well with Phil’s return home, Jeff



    I do not think anybody will, it is not a “big” cancer and the research required would, I suspect, take up a lot of cash.

    Kindest regards -Vasbyt




    Or rather, being cynical, the big chemical companies will lobby hard to prevent anything that may question the safety of their products. For example, how many years after the Manchester Woolworths fire was legislation brought in to control the type of foam used in furniture. Or how many years was it after smoking and cancer was linked before legislation limiting sales and advertising was introduced or closer to home, the use of thalidomide, first used in 1957 but it wasn’t until the early 60’s that it’s use was restricted despite evidence being there of its affects on unborn babies.

    Like I say, maybe I’m just being cynical.

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