Home from SCT

This topic contains 26 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  PeterJames 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    got out yesterday in the sweltering heat on day 20.

    So finally have internet access 🙂

    Well that was fun.

    During that time I had a temperature spike once on the 8/7 but didn't really feel hot or sick. I was given broad spectrum anti-biotics which seemed to do the trick.

    I tested positive for a C-Diff infection of the stomach and had a pretty rough time with diarrhoea for a few days, they gave me antibiotics for this which seemed to do the trick and I tested negative for C-diff around a week later. My 'doings' are more or less back to normal bar the odd incident.

    After removing my Pic line they realised that I had developed blood clots in my arm and neck so I'm self administering injections to clear those up.

    It was quite an experience. I'm extremely tired but so, so happy to be home.




    Hi Tom

    Glad you are home and over the worst of the SCT. I hope you get a long remission.

    Maureen x



    Hi Young Tom

    Good to hear you are home,well it is over and done with,make sure you take it easy and listen to your body,some people recover very quickly others do take much longer.lets hope it,s a walk in the park for you Tom.rest and more rest.

    You might not be able to go out in this lovely sunshine for awhile,but at least you can smell the flowers.Eve



    Hi Tom

    You had a rough ride but I'm glad you are home. Hope things pick up quickly for you. Frank got his SCT in March and was told last Wednesday that no protein in blood and PET scan showed there was no cancer. So we are booking a cruise – so it is doable. Go from strength to strength

    Love Jean xx



    Well done Tom, that's the worst of it over, now, just take one step at a time.
    I hope you go from strength to strength.
    I found it quite scary being at home, after those weeks having everything done for you, suddenly you have to start working things out for yourself, not difficult, but scary!
    Best of luck, remember to wear a high factor sun screen if you sit out in this fine weather.
    Well done.
    Tony F



    Hi Tom

    So pleased you are home, nothing like your own bed eh?.

    Don't try to rush your recovery, you have just had a major procedure.

    We looked at Mums progress week by week, not day by day. Be kind to yourself, and Well done that man! 🙂

    Love Ali x



    Excellent news Tom!

    Woody Guthrie had a saying which I love and use frequently: 'Take It Easy… But Take it!'

    Which, when expanded, makes perfect sense and great advice. Take it easy… for at least 3 months and avoid crowds and any other creatures that are not immediate family or friends you can trust to cheer you up. 😎

    Take it easy physically and mentally… avoid stressful situations in the same way that you would avoid people with any sort of infections… be they ever so small or seemingly innocuous. 😉

    Take it easy but take it… use your recovery time to work out what is important to you, really important… and plan for the future, don't be scared of it, it could last for years and years. You have hit on the right time to be staring MM in the face with confidence in the new medicines and treatments lining up to push MM back for many years.8-)





    Hi Tom
    Hurrah… 😀 🙂 you are on the ' outside' now, all that's needed is steady recovery. As Ali has said be kind to yourself, don't expect too much progress in the first few weeks. Take care of yourself.
    Love Helen



    Hi Tom

    So pleased you are home, with the procedure behind you and time at home to recover in your own surroundings. Just try to listen to your own body. Recover at your own pace and in your own time. Don't feel guilty or feel there is anything wrong if you need more rest, or more sleep than usual or become exhausted after undertaking any little activity.

    Jan x




    How are you? Please start a new thread. I have missed you on here 🙂

    Love Ali x



    Welcome home Tom 🙂

    As the others have said, rest, recuperate and take it one day at a time.




    Hi Tom,

    So glad to hear you are home, and that is behind you x 😀 here's wishing you a long remission, one day at a time!

    Kind regards



    Hi Tom,

    I'm just back from a few days in Ballyjamesduff seeing family before my transplant session. I am hugely happy to hear you have gone through the black tunnel and have come out again into bright sunshine. As everyone has said, look after yourself carefully for another few weeks to make sure of full recovery. No point overdoing it now and slowing up the recovery.

    Keep fighting.




    Welcome home Tom. I assume you have been told about avoiding infection and all the steps you should take to ensure you do not rapidly end up back in hospital. Please take them very seriously for the next 3 months at least.;-)

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Brilliant news young Tom, go from strength to strength San x

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