Horizon this evening

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    I was really quite encouraged tonight as I watched Horizon. It was on gene therapy and the possibilities of treating cancer and other diseases. Professor Mufti from KCH was filmed discussing the possiblities of finding the genes related to a specific cancer. He was Steve's Consultant when he was in for his SCT and was filmed in the haematology oncology ward in KCH. He was cautious but the whole things seemed very encouraging for the future and it looks as if the picture could be very different within the next decade.



    Hi Mari,
    Yes, I watched the same programme. Personally I do not think it will help me but it is so encouraging for my children and grandchildren.
    I believe that one day there will be a cure for all cancer just like other diseases, such as TB and Smallpox.

    I was born 25 years too early:-(

    kindest regards



    I would not be too sure David, that drug they showed at the end working on the replication process of the cancer cells looked pretty good. There are some mighty clever people out there working on this and that gives me great confidence. I hope your SCT next month gives a good remission. If you go in on 22nd Nov, then you might just get your cells back on my birthday, 24th November. I hope that brings you luck, and who knows what might be available by the time you next need some treatment,

    Hope you stay well until the time comes,

    Love Mari xx



    Hi David and if you go in for your SCT on the 22 November it will be My Young Bride (Elaine)and my 35th Wedding Anniversary, Coral I think so a trip to the seaside would not be out of the way would it?
    Keep Well 🙂

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"

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