hospital again…..

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  keznmel 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hiya guys….

    Unfortunately Melvin has been in hospital again. We were so happy after finding out his IgG levels had come down a little last Tuesday..from pp 55 to 37! Then on Sunday night he became in excruciating pain again with his lower back and the left side of his lower body (it was the right before)…so 999 again and in he went. I tried giving him everything we had at home before doing so but nothing at all relieved the pain. The pain team have increased the Gabapentin now to 2600mg per day (max is 3200mg) and MST from 120mg per day to 180mg and Oramorph every hour if needed 10mg. He has been fitted with a stronger spine brace and had xray and MRI. His bloods seem no worse which is great but the damage is just getting worse. We are going back on Tuesday to find out the results of the scans and until then he is just to have bed rest and take the meds. At least he is able to come home where he is more comfortable.

    It just seems that this is going to be 'just the way' life is going to be! Is it???!!!!!



    Sorry to hear this.
    No its not always like that,I was diagnosed mm in 2009 april and touch wood have had no hospital stays except May for my stem cell transplant.

    I have had a lot of bone pain(plasmacytomas and rib fractures) and tried various meds,morph tablets then mst,oromorph but pain remained nasty so I contacted my macmillen nurse ,who visited and suggested morphine patches ,I had been given these before by consultant but hadnt managed the dose,turns out he put me on 50 !
    She worked out how much oromorph daily and tabs i was on and worked out my correct dose and sorted with GP for my prescription.
    I still have bone pain but rarely a nasty bone pain day

    Is he drinking enough as flank pain can be kidneys but probably is back related (i have prolapsed disk not from mm)

    I hope you both get some relax ,comfort home time very soon

    best wishes ps great news on the nice PP drop



    My PP level was 55 when diagnosed in July 2009. I had major surgery on my neck and 13 doses of radiotherapy. My sct was in Nov/Dec 2010. Luckily, I have not suffered any major bone pain which I think supports the fact that Myeloma is a very individual decease. I wish you and Melvin the very best of luck, I think the key is to get those Paraprotien levels down and then the pain should hopefully subside.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte





    Crept into under 50s group to read your post.

    Sorry things aren't going so well for Melvin – ion fact it sound pretty horrible.

    Do hope that pain is beginning to be got under control. I am also a great one for recommending asking to see the specialist pain team if you haven't already.

    Lots of love to you both.

    Mavis x



    Hi Kez & Mel,

    That sort of pain is both excruciating and very wearing… I know because I had similar pain accompanied by nasty spasms where I felt I could tear phone books in two! But the pain can and will be sorted… by short term high pain relief and a continuation of the lowering of Mel's PP's. 🙂

    The pain apart, everything else looks positive with a drop of 18 PP's from 55 to 37… that is very good and going in the right direction. A similar drop would see Mel's PP's at around the 20 mark… very close to plateau and then hopefully 0. 😎

    I can understand that the pain, which is both immediate and dominating, is the main concern for both of you but beyond that the prognosis is looking pretty good. So press for the pain relief and then prepare yourselves for the long haul… I am sure it will be worth it. 🙂




    Hi guys – Thank you so much for your messages. It really is overwhelming receiving encouraging messages from you all. Thank you – I am so glad I have joined this site.

    I hope this finds you all well – lots of love and best wishes.

    Take care Love Kerry xxx

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