Ice cubes

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    In the discussion with my consultant about the SCT I mentioned sucking ice cubes to alleviate problems in the mouth and throat. His words were "You are welcome to do that if you wish, however, the object of the exercise is to kill of Myeloma cells and if you restrict that by blocking the Chemo from getting into your mouth area it rather defeats the object".


    Kindest regards

    definityly nooo spelt checker as fair as I cann sea.



    Hi David well thats an interesting viewpoint never heard of any negatives regarding the ice before !! My little brain will be pondering on this one for a while I think === how could ice stop the cells being killed off ?? love Bridget ps personally I think spelling mistakes make the posts more fun !!



    I am not a tecky so I do not really know the ins and outs of the old Ice Cube trick. However, I must assume that the ice somehow restricts the flow of blood around the mouth area. If you are restricting the flow of blood then surely the Chemo drugs are also restricted in some way. Do not know is the answer!

    I am going to do without the ice cubes and rely on the medication that he said is available if I have mouth problems.

    kindest regards




    Hi David,
    the way it was explained to me was that the tissue in the lining of the mouth is renewing itself more frequently and faster than the other cells in the body, and that the ice was a way of protecting those cells. but you have certainly given me something to think about… Having said that Peter had his harvest at a time when he was off all medication but his Light chain numbers were high. 400 or so Because he was having surgery.
    He went back on CTD for a further two months before his sct.Getting down to 82 So I am of the opinion that they harvested too many myeloma cells, which he was given back at his transplant. There is nothing whatsoever to back up this theory other than a gut feeling about this because his numbers were low at the time of the transplant and much higher after the transplant.127 Making me believe he received some of the myeloma back. Who knows perhaps if his harvest had been done later when his readings were zero would he have relapsed so quickly afterwards.
    How many EARLY relapsed patients never achieved a zero at harvest or transplant? Had to use capitals as the bold and underline don't work even on an apple



    Hi Min,
    My impression on this site, and it is only an impression, is that very few reach zero pp count prior to stem cell harvest. For my first harvest I got down to 2.8 and for my second it was 1.8. I am now off Chemo until my sct on 22 Nov.
    To be honest I have never really understood the logic of it all and when I try to explain it to friends and family I can see the puzzlement in their eyes as well. My mind says that if I take 10% of a contaminated liquid I will get 10% of the contamination! Then if you add in the fact that Myeloma cells work faster than ordinary cells it should mean that you quickly get a lot more Myeloma cells than ordinary. I first thought that they must somehow clean the the stem cells they have taken but that is not the case. However, having said that it does seem to work so there is clearly a lot more to it than my very simple logic, if only for a short time in some people.
    Fingers crossed; let's just hope for a good SCT in Nov.
    Kindest regards

    [b]testing the [/b]bold [i]Italics[/i] [u]and underline[/u]

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