
This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  SueM 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #104850


    Hi all,

    In the cover letter to my Doctor, after my last appointment at the hospital for Myeloma, there was a statement "no infections as yet". When I read it I was thinking of chest infections such as colds and the like.

    This week I suddenly developed a urinary tract infection ? like thrush. I was instantly reminded of the series of Urinary tract infections I had prior to diagnoses and in fact they are one of the Myeloma indicators.

    My Doc has put me in for a Para Protein check ? although I can?t have it until the 12th Nov due to Half Term ? just to make sure my PP has not come back with a vengeance.

    Anyone any experiences on this?

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte


    P.S. I now know what you girls go through and am beginning to regret telling one or two jokes about hot flushes :-/ The hormone treatment I am having for my Prostate cancer seems to be working phew it is hot in here >:-)



    Hi David,

    Sorry I cant help you with any of your questions:-( but just wanted to say hello!

    Love Ali x



    Hi David
    I cant add to it either am afraid, Just wanted to wish you better soon.
    Take Care my Friend.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" x



    Hi David, I've relapsed twice and on both occasions the main problem I had was increased bone pain.
    PP activity on it's own is not the deciding factor and only after a bone marrow biopsy can the doctor really tell what's going on. My PP's are checked every month and I can't understand why you have to wait until 12th Nov.
    I wouldn't worry about it because it's most likely nothing more than a blip as infections are always a problem where MM is concerned,have you checked your temperature. Also drinking plenty of water will help flush out the proteins and clear up the infection.

    Take care mate.




    Best wishes David

    Nice to hear from you

    Take care

    Ann and Pete



    Decided not to bother with the PP check and instead wait for my appointment on the 21st December. By the time give the blood and then wait for the results another 7 to 10 days and then try to sort it out with the hospital it is not worth it.

    The infection is clearing up nicely – Timovate cream works well.

    I have no noticeable bone pain Keith – Got an intermittent pain in my right side but x-rays show nothing to worry about and I think it is muscular anyway. It is nothing like the bone pain I have had in the past prior to SCH.

    Otherwise bombing along nicely:-D

    Kindest regards to all – vasbyte




    Hi David

    Good to hear you are now feeling a lot better so don't need to have PP count yet. We are all so used to you being upbeat and cheerful! Keep it up!

    Very best wishes.

    Mavis x



    Hi David
    Well we know you cant beat that Bombing about malarky 😀 , lets hope its for many a year 😎

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" x



    Hi David

    I have a very similar history of urinary tract infections being the first indication of Myeloma. When I was first diagnosed it was because of these recurring infections that my GP heard the alarm bells and sent me for tests.
    Each time I have relapsed the first sign has been a urine infection and I have had two this time so was not at all surprised when my blood test showed a rise in PP. I have also had a chest infection for the past three weeks but that was following on from a cold given to me by someone too selfish to tell me she had a sore throat and had been sneezing for days because she wanted me to help her move house!!!! ggrrrr!!
    The thrush is usually a side effect of the antibiotics and comes after the infection has gone but is just as unwelcome as I am sure you will agree!
    Fingers crossed that your PP levels are reasonable – mine had only risen from 5 to 7 but it was a steady increase so after lengthy discussion I opted to start treatment before it had a chance to take hold.
    Keep us posted,
    Best wishes,
    Nettie x



    Hi Nettie, we seem to have the same ?brand? of Myeloma. Unfortunately my GP did not pick up the symptoms just kept giving me more ?creams and potions?.

    Following my SCT my PP dropped to 2.4 never zero. That was Dec/Jan 2010. I was told at the time the SCT would only probably last for 18 months so I am past my Sale by Date so to speak! Over the last 6 months they have started to creep up first to 2.8 and now 3.5. My next appointment is the 21st Dec so I am keeping my fingers crossed for a Christmas present and they stay below 5 which will keep me free from medication over Xmas.

    And, yes, I know what you mean about Thrush ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Kindest regard ? vasbyte




    December 21st? Well… knowing you it won't ruin your Christmas.

    If the PP's have decided to rise above the accepted parameters I imagine your consultant will put you on a 'watch and wait' brief for four weeks anyway but if your instincts are right about the muscle via bone pain in your side then what a wonderful Christmas present a 'Celebrate & Saunter On' declaration will be. 😎

    I have had one major infection this year, a lung infection back in May… which left me with another in the recurring shape of ''C – Difficule' which, thanks to my second DVT in 2 years (right leg, giving me a matching pair) had me hospitalised for both problems and after assessment put me in the very capable hands of the QMC's Intestinal ward. 😀

    They seem to have got the plot and I am now on a 7 week course of extra strong mints (Or Vancomycin as they call it)… a course that starts off with 4 a day, goes on to 3, 3, 1 – 1 every other day, 1 every 3rd day and finish. I am currently on 1 every day and feeling good – much better than before, with no side-effects to note… so far, so very, very good. The DVT has been a high price to pay but the way that 'C-Diff' was dominating my life it is a price worth paying if they either clear the problem or get it firmly under control. 😀 😎

    I have been on Revlimid & Dex since the middle of March and I can honestly say that I have had no problems with MM… my Light Chains have risen but not out of the ball park as yet… the rise has been due to Rev;s inability to properly absorb into the my system due to the recurring 'C-Diff' infection… hopefully the Rev will have a better chance to absorb over the next few months with the 'C-Diff' under control and I too will have a Christmas of celebration and not desolation. 🙂

    I wish you well with your PP's David… and your other little local problem… either way I am sure that:

    [quote]you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same[/quote]

    Regards 😉





    I would guess your ? enlarged prostate isnt helping with the frequent UTIS
    I think /hope you will get less after your prostate is improved.

    I understood that we were high risk for non encapsulated bacteria ie the ones that love the lungs ,my immunologist told me this many years ago when i was just a MGUSER .

    I had an ungrowable infection in my bladder ? bladder wall straight after hysterectomy (catheterised),and the pain and frequency is "only" from my very sore bladder ,i had finally……. got this sorted after many rotations on antibiotics it had "gone" then 2 1/2 months ago bam its back and the antibiotics not helping much,had hoped asct would sort things like this as its immune related nvm

    Glad youre feeling a bit better 🙂

    best wishes Sue( not on dex but having the dex chatty,can't sleep feeel hmm)

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