Info Day

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 13 years, 11 months ago.

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    Is anyone here going to the info day in Nottingham this coming Saturday? Has anyone attended a day elsewhere? Janet and I are going and I was wondering if there are any hints or tips etc., in how to make most of the day (it seems a long day on the face of it.). 🙂




    Hi Dai,
    I went on the 5th of March to Newcastle one, and had been invited to give a talk from a carers perspective( I hate the term carer I call myself a worrier cos I worry about him) To the 80 guests who attended. I was terrified!
    It was an excellent day and well worth attending. The morning is given over to talks by health professionals, lunch is great and the afternoon is given over to three separate events I chose to stay in the main room and ask and listen to questions of the Haematology Professor other rooms had someone doing a bit on benefits I think, and don't remember what went on in the other room but the nurses including Ellen and the team from Myeloma UK were there there too. If you have any questions whatsoever that you feel you need the answers to but run out of time during your clinic consultation it is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the up to date drugs that are coming on line, for instance there is a train of thought that 2nd SCT will become outdated, due to new drugs with better outcomes. I don't remember it all but I came home thinking I knew it all, or certainly a good deal more thatn I had learnt in the 20months since Peter was diagnosed.
    Plus the opportunity to meet people like yourself who have had or or are waiting for SCT etc.
    It will put a lot of your and Janets fears to rest Im sure.
    Enjoy and make notes(they will give you the writing material) Don't worry cos there are breaks for tea and coffee during the day too.



    Hi Dai,

    We went to the London one last year and I have to say while I was dreading how long the day would be, it was over before we knew it, and I wished I'd had longer to go to more of the sessions!!

    The only tip to making the most of it perhaps is for you to split when it comes to the split sessions, and that way you can report back to each other on what you learn. Me, my sister and my husband all went to 3 different ones so we covered all bases!!

    Hope you get loads out of it, and that perhaps it can help you at the moment with all the decisions you're having to make
    Debs x



    Hi Dai,
    I've been to two info days one in Belfast and one in London. Both days were very different and I gained lots of information at both and am considering attending the next one in Belfast in October. My only advice is if you have specific questions write them down so as you remember to ask them, enjoy the day and have an open mind. Like Debs has said the day passes in a flash and really isn't as long as it seems on paper. Hope you enjoy.



    Hi Dai

    I will be there on Sat, with a friend. I am very fortunate in that I live a brief 5 mins away from the Village hotel, so if it does get too much in terms of information overload, or fatigue, I can just nip home. I doubt I will though.

    I'm being treated at Nottingham City Hospital, so know the two doctors and both nurses (just not met the Prof yet) who are presenting – makes it feel more like going to see friends… well, kinda! 😀

    Look forward to meeting you and Janet and hope you're feeling strong and healthy-ish on the day.




    hello Dia

    My husband and I went to the london info day last october it was a brilliant day and was over almost before it began as it was so informative and a very positive day I really felt uplifted Myeloma uk do a brilliant job even the catering was first class the break out groups were good with one just for carers which my husband found really good
    Enjoy your day
    Love Jo 😎



    I hope to see you on Saturday Jet, I have a chill at the moment but I'm hoping it will clear up before the week-end. Dr Byrne is my usual consultant but we have met them all during my treatments and while we have only met Sarah on a couple of occasions we know Jenny quite well (and I know that she feels nervous about speaking). 🙂

    I'd like to say I'm looking forward to the day but in truth it is more of a necessity than a pleasure :-/.

    Thanks for the tips from the rest of you, we hope to make the most of the day and I am sure that we will leave feeling both better informed and a little calmer than of late. 🙂


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