It was only a transfusion….

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Nicola2708 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    Phil had his Consultant appointment this morning. he had been ill over the weekend but no fever just feeling crap- that time of year. The told us last week his bloods were low and ended up not being able to go the Myeloma Info Day in Birmingham this past Sat… We knew he would probably need a blood transfusion but for some reason when they told us he definitely needed one and that his para protein is going up again (Revlamid not working) I just cried. I hate feeling weak and I hate thinking that this S*** cancer is taking my husband from me slowly but surely. I hate watching him sleep and praying he makes it to the morning. It was only a transfusion today and for some reason I just can't cope today…



    Hi Chelle
    We all have days like that,because you get desperate for something to work, I must admit to being a pill popper ,mainly to keep my emotions under control,It cannot help your husband to see you so upset,so my advice is go and see your doctor,get some help,because you have to be the strong one at this point in time.
    I am sure other people will reply to you who know more about other treatments,there is Susanna who,s husband has had Myeloma for 15 years,so do not give up hope,try to remain strong for hubby. Love Eve

    PS.Come on here,it helps some time to get it of your chest.Eve



    Hi Chelle I know just how you feel. I wish it were me with the B….. illness, its just so hard to watch your hubby so poorly. Theres no easy answer as hard as it is dont ever give up hope. When Michael was first diagnosed there were no drug treatments around and when he relapesed after his second SCT Velcade was on trial, but we were told we couldnt have it, and to go and enjoy what life we had left together, cant tell you how we both felt. But I didnt give up,I wrote to my MP the Prime Minister made myself a complete nuisance with the PCT and eventually he got the drug, and guess what, it didnt work infact it made him really ill. What im trying to say hes been through all the drugs on offer, at the moment that is. Hes now on a clinical trial for Bendamustine, hes not doing very well on it but last Friday the clinical trials lead spoke to us and said MM is having more money put into trials than any other cancer and there are a couple more drugs in the pipeline, so please please as hard as it is never give up

    Big Hugs
    Sue x



    Keep Strong Chelle I know it is hard. I have the Myeloma in our family but my wife is great she is a real brick and keeps me on the straight and narrow path we have to walk. Facing this "thing" without her would have been a nightmare and so I know how important you are to Phil.

    Kindest reagards – Vasbyte




    Hi chelle
    I'm new to this as well. My dad was disgnosed in august and it's been battle after battle. Kept my emotions in check till just befor Christmas, and had a complete break down in the hospital corridor when the TVcard dispenser didn't work. Had a good cry and sat and spoke to my dads Specalist nurse. She has been a good point of contact and surgested this site to me. Are battle continues and though it's been tough my husband and my GP have been really good, like eve I've sort comfort from anti depressants, which have helped level my moods out.. And helped a bit with my sleeping. Apart from when my dad deceides to ring for a chat in the middle of the night the last two nights as he can't sleep to much noise he says from the other patients. I just try and take each day as it comes. Like you say some days are harder than others, and those that prob don't deserve it end up getting the sharp end of your Tongue.

    Love and hugs


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